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Editado por TINY_RIIIIIIIIICK: 9/15/2018 3:49:08 PM

Is Bungie Knowingly Promoting Exploiters?





At this point in time it seems pretty clear a lot of 'no life" or twitch players have been outed for using exploits to get higher LL and gear than everyone else in the game. Bungie of course has all data on who is what, so its not like anyone can feign ignorance. So, is Bungie knowingly promoting exploiters of their content where in the past they would have taken a hammer to such action in order to boost waning interest in Destiny 2? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edit: huh, some sour people down-voting even though the majority are still voting yes.

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  • People think prime engram exploit will launch you to the stars. First of all, for every prime engram you pick, you will miss one day in the future, since the game detects it (doesn't matter if you don't pick, and they go to post master, once you "get it" and open it, you will have the cooldowns). Also, the best way to farm those, will have its limitations. Max object on the screen will prevent more than 3 or 4 Primes, before they start despawning, and you will lose primes, due to the fact PM will be full of blues. If you pick them up, then you lose the buff. It's cool if that was your last thing before the raid, knowing you will spend a few days without primes, but the biggest part of the grind is related to smart grinding (knowing which activities to do first, stop, grind blues, stop grind petra, etc), and A LOT of luck. Also, having multiple characters, taking advantage of the weapons to boost each character a little bit further by the end of the week. I've reached 540 pre raid with absolutely no exploits and just 1 character.

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    • Heres how i see it they arent promoting or deamonizing it they are playing the middle ground why? Because when your game is #1 on twitch the day your new raid comes out and you have 20,000+ people watching just one of the people playing that content even of they did abuse a mechanic that wasnt working entirely as intended there is no advertising better than free advertising and at the end of the day the folks over at bungie still want a paycheck

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      • O no they used loot cave 2.0

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      • How do these people using an exploit to gain a small LL advantage actually affect any of you guys?

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        • Promoting = NO Condoning = YES Giving a shit = NO why? = there is no marketing like free marketing

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          • Shame shame shame on you bungie you don’t deserve to be a game developer .......... jeez what I’m I talking about your on even Bungie anymore you don’t even care about people that have supported you through the years let alone present day

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            • [quote]in the past they would have taken a hammer to such action in order to boost waning interest in Destiny 2?[/quote]idk what you're on, but people have been exploiting Bungie games since Halo 2.

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            • They've been kissing streamer ass for quite a while. They exploit, glitch and cheat - Bungie looks the other way. So you've got the worthless scrubs glitching and the spineless scrubs doing nothing about it. <---the real problem.

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              • Yep, even if they aren't trying to their actions are showing different....have been for the last few years. What with DDOSTERS, and... account recoveries, etc.

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              • Of course they are. If a streamer does an exploit they ignore it, if a bunch of kids see them do it and do the same thing they start banning people.

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              • Editado por Hazel: 9/16/2018 6:28:58 PM
                You do realize how many hours these people put into the game before the raid right? There are so many opportunities to get powerful gear they wouldn't even have to use the prime engram exploit (which would hurt them in the long run anyway) And the prime engram exploit is in the game, not some shady thing that you have to use third party software for. Don't blame the player for wanting to maximize their light. Every single player had the opportunity to do this exploit and therefore it does not give anyone an unfair advantage (still needs to be removed obviously).

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              • It’s hard to believe that the two teams of streamers got there without help. Seriously, they all had god-like RNG is what you’re telling me then? None of them fell victim to getting 15 grenadine launchers in a row for powerful drops? But it’s like using steroids in sports. Until you prove it you can only speculate. The ironic thing is Bungie made this dlc catering to them because they wanted a grind but then they turn around and exploit the system to advance further and faster. Oh well.

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                • Tbh I think most of the team's who finished used the exploit. Sure the extra levels are cheap but it's not like there was another team that came close but didn't exploit, nor was the problem for non-exploit teams health/damage but rather the mechanics. Imo, releasing the raid 2 weeks after launch was the mistake, there are 580 encounters that only the players who play d2 as a job or don't have anything else to do could beat over, when you cut out 99% of the base you make the world's first more about which streamer can take the prize instead of the possibility of anyone.

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                  • Most of the kids screaming "no life streamers" don't realize that's their full time job. They make money off of videos and ad revenue, as well as promotions. Playing games is their life, and lively hood. So get back to your homework, finish school...and start a popular streaming/YouTube channel if you want.

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                    • I made it 77% 😎

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                    • Bungie never punished players for sitting outside of the area and ignoring the oracle debuff when doing the well encounter. Bungie never punished people for shoving that boss off or shoving atheon off. Bungie never punished people for skipping to the end of the abyss run. Bungie never punished players for the numerous ways to skip/cheese the bridge encounter. Bungie didn't punish people for pulling the cord on crota. Bungie didn't punish anyone for the stacking orbs cheese against oryx skipping the majority of the fight. Bungie didn't punish people for using the loot exploit to get way above the LL for the wraith of the machine raid. Bungie has a history of not punishing players for design flaws they've made. They aren't suddenly doing this. They're was no reason to believe they would punish players for doing this prime engram exploit. Especially when this exact same exploit (using loot exploits to climb levels fast) happened with wrath of the machine. You guys are making mountains out of mole hills just because you're salty. It's sad. Even if you want to ignore the actual history of cheeses/exploits that Bungie has let slide the fact of the situation is the team who won was never leading the pack in the raid. Datto's team did for a majority of it and no one on his team exploited. Which empirically proves that whatever "advantage" the exploit may have given it clearly wasn't as important as player skill. Datto's team choked like they always do because they always get in their own way. Meaning they over think a situation or get waay too frustrated with their selves. (datto especially beats himself up.) Everyone was "stuck" on riven for a long time. And it wasn't because she hit hard or because the adds hit hard. It was entirely because people made dumb mistakes or random inconsistent bs (eyes not taking crit damage, white nail not proccing sometimes against riven, tentacles not slamming when they should, etc.) RDM is full of good players. Just as every other team who were on that point. To be like this towards their hard earned achievement simply because of something so factually trivial just goes to show how immature the player base can really get. I wanted datto's team to win. But i'm not here trying to rip away RDM's accomplishment. ya'll need a reality check and need to grow up.

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                      • Is the sky blue?

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                      • Redeem used exploits to get Prestige Leviathan worlds first. Bungie doesnt care now and they didnt care then. It's a bummer

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                        • It really doesn't matter. The Raid wasn't supposed to be completed this early. The glitch wasn't supposed to exist, so that means the Raid would've been impossible through normal means. What does this mean going forward? Absolutely nothing. Everyone still gets access to new post-raid content earlier than expected, so good stuff World's First! 👏

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                          • When have people ever been punished for exploiting the game for better drops? Loot cave, 3oC character switch farming, 3oC ketch+IB farming, etc. this new exploit for higher power should’ve been expected, it’s happened every tine destiny has a new expansion.

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                          • Last 2 raids were made with the content creators in mind. Get LL, build a stacked team, and win.

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                            6 Respostas
                            • I say yes. However, if you GIVE an option as “no” don’t call those people “sour”. You come come off as a -BLAM!- head.

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                              • Bungie is a business. They can’t out their streamers because they bring in a lot of business. Bungie doesn’t care wether they exploited something or not, as long as the views are on destiny and the new raid it’s all good

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                                • I voted yes but with that being said, it doesn’t affect my gameplay.

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                                • Editado por CannyJack: 9/15/2018 2:03:48 PM
                                  Yes, of course they are. It doesn't hurt [i]Bungie[/i] that "famous" video game players exploit the game to get all kinds of hot new stuff and put it on their Twitch streams. They've openly acknowledged that they're not going to punish known exploiters in any substantial way; they'll just punish everyone else. Exploiters are why we can't have nice things--but they don't care, because they have the things already.

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