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Destiny 2

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2/28/2019 9:03:37 AM

Perfection: Mission story 2 (Pt. 2 of 2): Escalation

Dialogue names: Ana Bray: (AB) Ghost: (GH) Guardian: (G) Grapiks, Archpriest Enhanched: (GAE) Story Mission 2: Escalation (PT. 2) *The Guardian lands at Braytech Futurescape only to be introduced by a haymaker to the face from a Splicer Captain. The guardian gets sent into the Braytech building, destroying benches and screens in the process* G: You know, it would've been much better if you could've transmitted me INTO the building. GH: Sorry about that, I couldn't focus, it's just... everywhere. *The planet Mars that they once knew was no longer the same, for SIVA has infected and consumed the majority of it.* G: Always wondered how it would look had we didn't stop SIVA on Earth. Guess I got my wish. GH: That Captain is coming back! G: I'm on i- *A solar beam flies through the Captain and diminishes him into nothingness* G/GH: Whoa... *Ana jumps from a higher position to the floor, greeting the Guardian* AB: Just the person I was looking for! We don't have much time to chat, we got more of where that came from! G: I'll watch your six. *Perfected Dregs, Vandals, and Captains begin pouring through the entrance. Once enough is defeated, the mini boss will spawn* MINI BOSS: Pirusis, Perfected Baroness The boss battle takes place within the building of Braytech Futurescape. Pirusis will teleport in (much like Vosik did in Wrath of the Machine) wielding a blade, sending out a wave of SIVA mites that will linger for a bit where it lands, whenever swung. Once you reach halfway, Pirusis will begin to send SIVA mites to walls, creating SIVA modules. Destroy the SIVA modules in order to continue to damage Pirusis. Once defeated, the enemies will run out of the door, due to their lieutenant dying. AB: Looks like we bought some time. GH: They already managed to infect this place? How bad is it? AB: Real bad, I'm surprised Rasputin is holding up. GH: That's actually why we're here, is there any way for Rasputin to shut down the SIVA protocol? AB: We've already tried that, it's out of our hands. Apparently, Rasputin lost control the moment SIVA was wiped on Earth. *Ghost and the Guardian widened their expression, knowing that it was their doing* G: Crap, that must've been us that caused that. AB: How? GH: We're the ones that destroyed the Replication Chamber and put an end to Aksis, who was in charge of all the remaining SIVA. AB: You're wrong, he lost control 4 months after that event. GH: Wait, what? What caused it. *Ana runs over to a monitor and begins typing* AB: Apparently, not all of the Splicers were dead; I recently checked on satellite recordings at The Plaguelands so I could figure out anything, and in the hopes of finding something, I picked up what looks like a Splicer Captain walking into the Perfection Complex. By that time, Zavala already quarantined The Cosmodrome so we couldn't get a further analysis as to what was going on there. My guess? Whatever happened there must've been the caused of all this. *The Guardian begins to question how one Captain can create an army of SIVA infested Fallen* GH: We need to regroup and fight this together. AB: You're right, but I can't just leave Rasputin here, who knows what will happen if the Fallen take it over. *Suddenly, a massive quake erupts the building* G: What the hell was that? AB: Don't know but it doesn't sound good! It's coming from the Lake of Ashes! *You head to Lake of Ashes, which is a new area just off the side of Glacial Drift. It is a large body of water with little pieces of land spread out through the place. Around the area are Escalation Modules that are currently dormant. In the center of the lake is Grapiks, Archpriest Enhanched. GAE: This power! It is almost overwhelming! AB: He's drawing power from the modules! We've got to stop him! *Grapiks, teleports behind the Guardian and swings to the head. The Guardian grabs the hand before it can reach them. And turns to look at Grapiks.* G: You're gonna have to try a bit harder than that, I've slain Gods you kno- *Grapiks' other hand lands a fist right into the stomach, sending the guardian back a bit* GH: Today's is not your day G: Yeah, yeah whatever. Guys, how do we stop him? AB: Maybe it's just like that last guy we just fought! Sever his connection and it'll probably weaken him. You take the three on the right, I'll handle the left. G: Got it! MAIN BOSS: Grapiks, Archpriest Enhanched Grapiks will have two different attacks: A). Rapid fire SIVA bullets, much like how the turrets shoot, except he can do it with both of his hands. B). The Valkyrie: He will summon one every so often. When he wields the Valkyrie, he pre-aims and then fires it, giving the player enough time to dodge the attack. Grapiks will always be flying around and there will also be ads that spawn in. Every time a fourth of his health is depleted, he will fly away for a bit to recover (this does not mean he gains more health). While recovering, the Escalation Modules will activate and Hive will begin to spawn in. Along with the Hive, two servitors will spawn as well, one on each side. The modules will be protected by a shield from the servitors so you must destroy them first. Once the servitors are destroyed, the modules will be available for shutdown. You don't need to anything here; instead, Ana will activate her golden gun and shoot the six modules, overheating them, for you (if you are a Hunter Gunslinger, she will ask for your help to shut them down. Only then can you shoot the modules). Once the modules are shut down, Grapiks will return, rinse and repeat. The last phase of Hive has a mini boss Ogre that shoots out of his hands. He's not hard to kill at all. After defeating Grapiks, the modules will begin to heal him. G: I'm not dealing with this again, what do we do? AB: I'm on it! *Ana then charges to the center of the battlefield and activates her Blade Barrage, destroying the Modules. Grapiks drops to the floor* GAE: This will not be the end! *Grapiks then flies away* GH: A Fallen flying, now that's something you don't see everyday. AB: We've stopped the attacks for now, though, I don't know what Rasputin is going to do about this. G: For now, we need to have everyone working together if we want to stop this from killing us. If Rasputin can't control it, what good is it to us right now? We'll come back for it later, but for now, we have other priorities. Are you coming? AB: I'll meet you back at the city, I have to get some things before I head out. GH: And don't you pull a "Twilight Gap" on us! AB: Ha ha very funny. *Ana sticks up the middle finger while walking away* G: Alright, we'll see you there. *The Guardian heads back to the ship while Ana rides her Sparrow back to the Futurescape* G: Hey bud? GH: What's up? G: Set our next destination to Mercury. [i]-The One and Many[/i]

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  • Great story line, so far. I hope you keep writing these, I would totally play this dlc! Just one thing: The Replication Chamber is underground, satellite photos wouldn’t see it. Maybe cameras and/or Rasputin’s readings detected this Captain? This is obviously constructive criticism, so I hope it helps you with clearing up the story a bit! But really though, bump!

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