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Destiny 2

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Editado por Shadow, The One and Many: 3/6/2019 6:36:00 AM

Perfection: Mission Story 3: Simulation

Dialogue: Guardian: G Ghost: GH Sagira: S Osiris: O Brother Vance: BV Ikora: I Cult member: CM Fallen: F Grol, Splicer Archpriest: GSA Hareeks, Engineer Perfectionist: HEP *you fly your ship to the Lighthouse, however, it is nearly empty. Only a few members from the Cult of Osiris are there. Brother Vance seems to be gone* G: Ummm where the heck did everyone go? CM: If you seek Brother Vance, he has been called upon by the great Osiris, to help aid him in his next simulation. G: Thanks. GH: Didn't know he got a promotion. G: I didn't know there were promotions. *You head through the gate and face the battlefield. Cabal are nowhere to be seen, due to the fact that the Vex have cleared all of them. In the far distance, near the infinite forest, you hear gunfire. You spawn your SPARROW and head towards the center of the map, where the public event usually takes place. You notice Fallen surrounding the area, along with siva modules. At the center is a conflux, and a Fallen Archon having its hands up as if its holding something* GH: He's using energy to open the Infinite Forest! G: Then let's leave him, he might be our only way into the Forest right now. *You head towards the Infinite Forest gate and notice a Fallen Captain with 3 Servitors with him. There are also Snipers on the sides. You can either deal with them or pass right by them* G: What would the Fallen want with the Forest? GH: I don't know, but I don't think it's anything good either. *A faint voice can be heard in the distance* O: Guardian! G: Osiris? Is that you? O: Quickly, follow my voice! *Without question, you head towards the voice. As you're running, you begin to see a bright light, bright enough to blind a person. Suddenly, you're teleported into a very cold, snowy place. You look around, noticing that you're standing on a very high platform. You look to your right and notice Felwinter's Peak. On the left, you can see the Cosmodrome engulfed in SIVA and flames* GH: Are we... O: Yes, the Plaguelands. What you are standing on right now is the wall. G: Why are we here? S: Osiris believes that the cause of the second SIVA outbreak is because of the events that took place here. On top of that, it seems that there has been an intruder that recently stepped into the Forest. Coincidently, this is the timeline they traversed into. GH: Where is the intruder now? O: Brother Vance is taking care of it at the moment. For now, we must hurry to the Perfection Complex. G: What for? O: To see how it began. *You head into the Perfection Complex and notice a different pathway that you and Osiris take. You enter and notice that you're in a different room, but in the distance, through a glass panel, you could see where you battle Aksis, Archon Prime. Inside the room are monitors, computers, and SIVA. You continue to look around* G: So now what? O: Now we wait. S: They should be coming any moment now. GH: Who? *6 Guardians jump down and begin the 1st phase of Aksis. Once started, every monitor in the room begins to light up. Osiris runs to a computer* GH: What's he doing? S: He's checking to see the current status of SIVA and whether it grew sentience from the moment Aksis was killed. If it didn't, we just might know how to stop this. G: Without sentience, it must be controlled by something, or rather, someone. S: Exactly! And if anything, we jump into the future, four months after this, to find out who it most likely is. GH: Why bother checking? Why not just see who the person is first? S: Because even if we kill the guy, it won't end there. SIVA will most likely just find a new host or just manifest itself into something greater. O: Odd. G: What is? O: SIVA was not in control at this time. GH: That's good news then! O: But neither was Aksis. It seems that his SIVA was being controlled from afar, in a different terminal just outside the Perfection Complex. S: By who? O: A Splicer Captain named Bakonar. Seems like he was an Engineer for the Fallen - leader of the tech that they will scavenge actually. GH: But why would he be controlling Aksis' SIVA? Could Aksis not control it on his own? G: Possibly, remember when Saladin told us they still didn't know how to control SIVA well yet? O: Well, now we know what has happened, though, we've only checked - *A sudden burst through the door happens, which cuts off Osiris. On the floor lays a Splicer Archon who was dead. Vance walks in* BV: The situation has been dealt with Osiris. Along with some help... *Ikora walks in right behind him* I: For a follower, you can hold your own. GH: Ikora? What are you doing here? I: My Hidden alerted me that Osiris might need my help. O: Please, I can handle this on my own *A Fallen Archpriest breaks through the ceiling and looks directly at us* F: It took me a while to find you all, I had to go through many timelines. You lot are a hindrance. G: And what that might be? *The second phase of Aksis begins* F: To gain more SIVA. If we can use the Infinite Forest to our disposal, we would never need ether, nor the Great Machine. GH: Having that much power in the wrong hands is something we don't allow. F: Wrong? There is no right or wrong, there is just survival. You truly believe everything you have done was good? That not one guardian has ever done anything that will question the morality of what a guardian needs to be? You seem to misunderstand what your purpose is, while we, as Eliksni, have known what we must do from the very beginning... *The Archpriest summons a SIVA Cannon* F: Survive. MINI BOSS: Grol, Splicer Archpriest The boss fight is very simple, he has the same weapon Aksis carries, except, he shoots a bit faster. 3 Captains will spawn in, with a random element as their shield (which also correlates to the elemental cannon, just like the Aksis boss fight). Once the captains are defeated, they will drop their cannons and you will have to shoot the elemental modules that spawn in, with the cannon that corresponds to the module. Once all the modules are destroyed, they will drop an orb that makes you supercharged. Ikora, Vance, and Osiris will grab one. Once they do, they will raise there Dawnblades together to create a massive, solar, Eye of Osiris symbol, which will take out his shield (NOTE: being a warlock allows you join them and make the attack with them.) Dps on the boss enough and he will gain his shield again. Rinse and repeat until defeated. Once defeated, Aksis will die at the same time. Upon defeating Aksis, the Simulation begins to end and fall apart. GSA: I am just a mere cog within a machine, killing me will do nothing. G: Then this made it a whole lot easier. *You shoot him right in the face* O: We must go, the simulation is falling apart and we haven't much time left! *Osiris opens a gate and it leads back to the entrance of the Infinite Forest. Before you go, you look back to see the guardians have already left, however, you happen to see a Splicer Captain that walks up to Aksis and takes a knee. You wonder what it might be but there's no time, you head back to the gate. Once back on Mercury, you notice a few Ketches around the area, as well as massive Hydras attack them. Cyclops are on the ground, shooting at the flying Skiffs, while Harpies are chasing them around. On the ground, Fallen and Vex are fighting throughout the map of Mercury. Massive Servitors are blocking the entrance to the center of the map, where the Archon was holding the gate. Large Minotaurs are battling with the other Archons that are around the area. Splicer Walkers are circling around, destroying anything that's a target. It is a warzone* HEP: It seems Grol could not handle the job. No matter, I shall end this. MAIN BOSS: Hareeks, Engineer Perfectionist This boss fight begins with opening up the room that leads to Hareeks. In order to do that, you need to destroy the servitors; however, the shield will still be up. In order to get rid of the shields, you have to head over to both ends of the map, using the transporter that can send you to those platforms, gather energy on both sides. While charging up the energy, ads will begin spawning in (NOTE: Whichever side you pick, Vance and Ikora will pick the opposite. Osiris will always help your side). Once enough ads are defeated, a second Servitor will spawn in to consume the energy. If it takes all of the energy, the Servitor will detonate, due to too much consumption, and kill all of you. Once the second servitor is destroyed, you head back to the center and charge a beam into the shield at the center, damaging it. After that, Servitors will spawn again. Rinse and repeat. Once defeated, Hareeks will speak. HEP: This won't be the end! I will come back! *Ketches begin to fly away once Hareeks teleports into one* G: Osiris, you know that you can't solve this alone, we can do this together. I: He's right. They already managed to obtain the key to the Infinite Forest, and it almost seems like they're one step ahead of us. O: We need to resolve this issue now, Vance come with us; it's time I make an old visit. *Your guardian heads into their ship and begins to fly away, to Vostok, along with everyone else. Meanwhile...* [i]-The One and Many[/i]

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