Unless master working an exotic armour piece improved the exotic perk in some way, there is no reason why it should cost more to fully upgrade compared to Legendary Gear other than the fact that an artificial time sink was the goal of this design choice.
Master working an exotic armour piece gives the Exact. Same. Benefit that master working a legendary gives; increased mod slots (the same amount), and a slight increase on all stats. There is zero difference, so why is there an arbitrary increase on the material cost? Why am I paying more for less?
Master working Exotic weapons is different, not only does master working them require a different system than master working legendary weapons, they also get an additional perk or a bonus to their existing perk. The same treatment must be applied to exotic gear to make master working it worthwhile.
Agreed. I was expecting, for some foolish reason, for my Shards of Galanor to get an increase in 'super energy refund' after I masterworked it. And I wasn't too pleased to find that wasn't really the case. It would be nice to at least get orb drops I can pick up when I use it. For any exotic armor piece that deals with Super modifications. Not that it's a big deal, but it would be cool, and make masterworking worth the materials. Or maybe unlock 'masterworked' mods, like the Ghosts have now, that allow better customizing of your stats. I think about this a little too much.