Heres a prediction for lightfall... Everyone is saying that crow will be the new hunter vanguard, but I think differently. I think crow will be the new speaker. First, he would be a good example that people can change. Second, he has already talked to the traveler, helped zavala, has a very strong connection with the light, and already has the right clothing. Finally, when light fall realeases, I assume the traveler will need help. But, in order to get help, it will need to tell a speaker. Crow starts hearing the travelers voice, zavala belives him, then corws promoted.
[spoiler]I made this on phone[/spoiler]
All depends on how he reacts from receiving Uldrens memories. But I wouldn’t put anything positive on it. It won’t be all sunshine when the Traveler starts talking.
<I think the Traveler's gonna need a little more than help for Lightfall... I don't think anything will stop the Pyramids from descending on the only target they have in this system.>
Seems unlikely, especially considering Crow is the only candidate that has any emphasis for the Hunter Vanguard position. Seems weird to then turn around and give him a different position.
I think Speaker would be a Warlock... although it isn't kind of weird he hasn't come back as a gaurdian, as he seems pretty worthy to me.
We don't need another Speaker.
Editado por Ferus Lux: 1/15/2022 7:26:21 AMThe time of speakers is done. Read Radiant Accipitor. The Traveler doesn't need anyone to speak for it now. It's speaking through dreams and actually acting now.