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3/15/2022 6:40:23 AM

Bought expansion on wrong account

Bungie is there any way I can get a refund for my recent DLC expansion purchase. The reason I ask is that for the life of me I cannot get cross-save disabled so I can put the proper account on for PSN. I have other linked accounts that are perfectly fine except for PSN. My wife and I have two different PlayStations and since I have a new PS5 I decided to sign into my one and only profile, download destiny, and pay for the expansion just to log onto to notice that it was my wife's account that is linked to my cross-save. I don't know how to unlink my account because there is some mysterious silver lockout for 3 months. I don't know what to do about this because I don't want to buy witch queen twice just to get to my cross-save characters.

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  • Hi there. Bungie does not control DLC licenses. [url=]You'd need to see Playstation's policies regarding a possible refund[/url], or check out if you can game share the DLC between your accounts. It is intentional that if players purchase or receive Silver, they must wait 90 days before Cross Save can be disabled. Unfortunately there are no exceptions to this policy. To switch your PS accounts, you will have to wait for the Silver lockout to expire, deactivate Cross Save and unlink your wife's PS account from your profile. Please be aware that there is another 90-day lockout for deactivating Cross Save for any reason, which cannot be bypassed either. Once you've deactivated, you can switch account links and activate Cross Save after waiting the other 90 days. To learn more, see the [url=]Cross Save Guide[/url].

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