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5/3/2022 3:15:35 AM

How do I resolve my Cross Save issue?

So I've got an issue. When Cross Save first became a thing, I linked all my accounts---Xbox, PlayStation, and Steam. Now, before Cross Save, I had already signed in to my profile with both Xbox and PlayStation, but not Steam. And I have certainly connected my Cross Save to [i]my[/i] Steam account---I only have the one, after all. I decided last week to try and play on my PC. But I found that my characters and profile were somehow not synced up on Steam. I thought this was an issue on both my side and on Steam's side. I did some maintenance on my computer, redownloaded D2, and did everything I could to ensure it all worked. Turns out that it did not work. I come over to Bungie, and try to sign in for the first time with my Steam account. The site asks me if I want to either link with an existing account or to create a new one. I thought this was odd, as I am certainly already linked. I try to do as it suggests and link, but the sign-in page proceeds to give me an authentication error. And right before I typed this post, I tried to simply unlink my accounts to see if I can just try this all again in a few months. But the problem with that is that I need to authenticate all of my accounts---including my Steam account. The same problem that arose when I initially tried to sign in with my Steam credentials occurred---an authentication error. I know the terms of service say that Bungie cannot, under any circumstances, unlink accounts on their end. But I'm honestly at a loss on what to do to fix this. I cannot link an already linked account, nor can I unlink a purportedly unlinked account. I have no idea what happened. Any help would be most appreciated. Sorry for all the words, I just need to describe my particular situation.

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  • If the 'authentication error' you mention states that you're trying to log into a different Steam ID than the one you have linked, then you linked a different Steam ID to instead of the one you think you did. Please go to the Steam website, log out of it, and then on the log-in page, follow the assistance for forgetting your username/password. You most likely authenticated to an account that wasn't fully created or that you didn't remember when you set up the link in the first place, and going through that process will show you every Steam ID username you have associated with your email address.

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