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Destiny 2

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Editado por DuBChiri2: 8/10/2023 4:13:36 PM

I'm disappointed with Destiny (this is gonna be long)

No it's not just because the State of the Game revealed things I don't like or the game having stability problems or anything particularly recent. It's about my culmination of time as a player that's lead to my current dislike for where destiny is as a whole. I'm disappointed, because since destiny 2's release...there's not truly been anything in this game that excites me or makes me happy (exaggeration because I'm mad). Reason being, is that no matter how fun the sandbox is...the content or duration of fun is never truly able to last...because bungie ALWAYS finds a way to make something a chore or pathetically boring. [u][b]Story/PVE Content[/b][/u] [spoiler]I cannot STAND this games purposeful design process for content. "Make this DLC crap to make this one slightly less crap." "Make this season a waste of your money by having nothing important going make this one tie a story together half a year later." I don't typically care all that much for story...but this game does such a fantastic job at not really telling one despite how important it makes it seem. So many characters and important moments PLAYERS will tell you about, get glossed over in the stuff you PAY FOR, in favor of a pointless lore storytelling system. I am not, nor will I ever, sitting down to read a book about the game I'm currently playing to understand characters or story points. ITS THE GAMES JOB TO MAKE ME CARE ABOUT THESE CHARACTERS, NOT MINE. And they've gotten...a little better since destiny 1's release, but it's still bad. I literally laughed when Amanda died because she was a worthless side character with little established in game personality. Sure if i read her lore she'd matter so much more...but that's not my job that I get paid for. And I haven't even gotten to the actual meat of why the pve content itself sucks, it just has such a little personal drive for me that I play it out of respect for the dollars I put into the game. If I talk about actual content, I don't even gotta rant because it's so easy to boil it down. Repetitive, unrewarding, uninspired. Here's the 8th horde mode, here's currency you turn engrams into stuff that wont drop in the event, here's the same boring mechanics. Any new mechanics...its short lived and never touched again.[/spoiler] [u][b]PVP "Content"[/b][/u] [spoiler] [/spoiler] [u][b]Eververse[/b][/u] [spoiler]words cannot describe how much I hate how far eververse has come. It started as a way to pay off free events to make them more worthwhile for the bungie team to being a terrible cash grab that they shamelessly fill with goodies at the expense of there not "being enough resources" to fuel the actual main playlist activities of the game. Multiple armor sets, emotes, weapons skins...all stuff that'd flesh out a games challenges and quests...that you pay for at a price that rivals or surpasses the cost of the content that barely gives you anything. It'd be such a cool thing if completing challenges for a raid earned you the skins they advertise to you as soon as you unlock it, which could be anguish to even get. The game has no problem throwing worthless ships and sparrows you are never ever gonna use or care about...but anything you DO care about is at a premium, because they can get away with it even though it's evil. Destiny already triple dips on charging me for content (seasons, dungeons and dlcs), them taking in millions off the candy store but never refueling anything that matters is just such a good thing isn't it? Oh and how can I forget the servers? P2p is awful and pointless. Nobody likes it, nobody wants it and so many people including with the servers not being good enough. My internet isn't good, but I can play just about every other online game on the planet without problem. This games pvp could be so much better on all fronts if it had good servers. Less whiffing, less excessive hitboxes to workaround latency...all stuff that plagues the game could be fixed. I know it's not as easy as just buying a server and setting it up, it's be a whole rework of the games systems...but this game NEEDS it. Pvp is only a joke because it's so unbearable to play due to latency they have to work around.[/spoiler] [u][b]Sandbox[/u][/b] [spoiler]the sandbox right now is so stale, like it gets every year before a new dlc. They release some cool stuff...and then either nerf it into the ground or make changes to it that just suck. So many exotics get buffs and so many get gutted at the same time. They try so unbelievably hard to make everything just feel fine and it's such a terrible feeling. Nobody uses glaives, but a single exotic made them good so now nobody wants to use them anymore. This exotic buffs solar weapons and makes using them as a build a viable but not op option...sorry, making my primaries do more than a 25% damage buff is too much when everything is a sponge...etc for the past 10 years. The pvp sandbox is also like this. They finally stated they dont want anything above handcannons and pulse that's why they make these stupid, worthless "buffs" to the other weapon archetypes that take months to just try out. "We are gonna give pulse rifles a flat % recoil reduction, same with smgs and another weapon type that we want dominant for rifles...ew, you guys can get scaling "recoil reduction" by scaling heavily into stability...oh but you also have to do that so you dont get flinched to hell in gunfights...but then you also have to tank range to shoot in smg range to do it, even though every other gun barely deals with this problem :)" That's not even beginning to talk about how slow they are at fixing anything literally ruining the sandbox. One eyed mask took them forever to fix. Stasis was good for way too long and now it's practically worthless. Them allowing artifact mods to work in trials so that fire bolts basically one tap you like old viking funeral...except everybody can do it. The list goes on[/spoiler] And the worst part of all of this that this is just what destiny is. Not enough resources, not enough time, nothing. I look back on my years of destiny and it's just a cycle of things that make me scratch my head and question how I even got through it. And there's SO much more I could complain about that I just don't even care to add...because it's all about bungie. Their artists, sound composers and even developers do such a good job at making this game feel alive...but it's so hollow because it demands so much time and money just for an experience they themselves don't have enough resources to make good. Nobody I know likes seasonal content or the story anymore. Nobody I know feels a burning desire to play it other than out of compulsion and I hate that. I WANT this game to be better so badly...but it's obvious whoever runs bungie...that they truly dont care. I just played through remnant 2 and had such a blast because the game has such a nice core design. I'm not putting 1000+ hours into it like destiny, but it's a complete experience. It costs the same amount as lightfall does...for a more balanced, passion driven experience. There's 10$ games that do it too. This just isn't it chief...sorry I should say guardian, cause chief was the last REAL good thing they made.

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