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Destiny 2

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Editado por jhermannITJ: 7/18/2024 7:13:00 PM

Hot Take: I think the writing was good THIS week minus the opening cutscene.

And as I have been saying, IF you haven't realized it by now, there's a huge twist coming. [url=]A Rising Chorus | XBLK Failsafe FM 107.1: "How Did I First Tell You That I Loved You?" | Echoes[/url] credit: Destiny Lore Vault [url=]"We must be more than the enemies of our enemies".[/url] As I said in a previous comments, it doesn't matter if Saint is a fork. We have the RIGHT Saint-14 standing beside us. [url=]"If we are going to survive this long night, we must be able to see one another as we truly are".[/url] Osiris... (Mara too). [url=]"I imagine I'm not much unlike one of your Techeuns, then".[/url] [url=]Techeun[/url] [i]"The Techeuns, also known as Tech Witches, are an order of Awoken mystics employed by Queen Mara Sov as her personal advisors. They are charged with the study of paracausal forces".[/i] [i]"A few months after the seven Techeuns were rescued, the Ley Lines were aligned for a ritual to remove Savathûn, the Witch Queen's Worm in exchange for the return of Osiris. Austyn, Ylaia, and Sjari were selected to assist Mara Sov in conducting the ritual. They were successful, but when they freed Savathûn so Mara could kill the Witch Queen in her weakened state, the Hive goddess escaped utilizing a contingency spell that swapped her with Osiris".[/i] [url=]I took some convincing on that. But, it truly was the beginning....".[/url] I don't think Brother Vance was the only one being used by Mara Sov. And someone else... [url=]Destiny 2: Season of Plunder - "Awake" Cinematic[/url] credit: Destiny 2 "Awoke".... Osiris. This week's cutscene. Doesn't it look familiar? Compare it with Mithrax using the artifacts, dead body parts of Nezerac to imbue Osiris with the "memories" of Savathun. [url=]Act 2 Opening Cutscene[/url] Like how Mithrax made the tea for Osiris. Following the threads of logic I'm speaking to: So when Mara "failed" (or did she?), Savathun escaped from her crystal prison into Osiris. "The Riven, twice Riven". If my theory is correct and Mara enabled or was the cause of Uldren's corruption, why wouldn't she do it again? Mara let Savathun escape... that's why she did the ritual alone without us. Then in season of the Plunder, Mithrax listened to the "whispers" to transform the artifacts of Nezerac into "memories" of Savathun that Osiris drank. That required a sympathetic Saint to give him it. This was all a part of the "plan". Not "OUR" Saint-14... but the "right" one. Not "our" Osiris, (he never was, not since Io for sure)... but the "wrong" one we NEED. Saint is starting to see, or his purpose, is to help us [i]"see one another as we truly are"[/i]. This is about Osiris. That's the twist I see coming. Insofacto... possibly, exposing... without question... [spoiler]Mara Sov as a disciple of the Gardener. But I think they might draw that out... maybe that final revelation happens in Act 3 or subsequent episodes.[/spoiler] This is my theory. I could be wrong on some or all of it. 😇 👍💠 The rest I'm putting in a spoiler tag, it is the boldest of my predictions so far because of the specificity and thus the most likely to be wrong. Still, I warn... I caution ⚠️, if I am right... a huge spoiler.... [spoiler]We're going to kill Osiris. Or the Osiris we know will be destroyed as the corruption takes root in him... transforming him into an entity of the darkness, or Nezerac.... Osiris drank a tea made from his body parts. [i]"As he recovered, Osiris would tell us how the energy opened his mind, let him remember Savathun's thoughts and fears as if they were his own". [/i] Osiris NEVER recovered. Feeding him the tea was a mistake, just delaying the inevitable.[/spoiler] What did Savathun say to Mara in the Pale Heart? "The coincidences that led us here".
#lore #destiny2

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  • Editado por MC 077 Lasombra: 7/19/2024 1:29:08 AM
    Mara is a disciple of the Gardener now? Which Gardener? You’ve said Savathun is the Gardener but that Savathun and the Gardener are enemies. And you never answered how that contradiction works. Kinda like you never explained where Savathun comes from when you claim she made the universal simulation we are playing in. Maybe you’re not as good at this as you seem to think. 🤣🤣🤣

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