Giving way too many free kills to complete bots. Free annihilation medals honestly it’s stupid
**Throws a wrench at your head** dodge duck dip dive and dodge!
Only if golden gun gets a 25% nerf with celestial and still hunt 15%.
Editado por A485258: 1/18/2025 10:05:31 PMStop playing like a m0r0n. Then you’ll get killed by it less. You’re an 1d1ot along with all those patting you on the back for your post. Twilight Arsenal renders the user STATIONARY and it is by far the easiest super to kill someone out of. Not only that, but the blast radius compared to other one and done supers is smaller making it possible to dodge.
Its a good solid super.
Is there [b] ANYTHING [/b] you won't whine about?
Editado por Ghostfire239: 1/19/2025 5:09:47 AMIt’s annoying, I don’t know about OP. Either way I am tired of nerfs. I don’t really care if it’s strong or not. I’d much rather the devs direct their PvP focus to supers that actually need help like Fist of Havoc, Spectral Blades, Needlestorm and so on.
😂😂😂😂😂 wow this is a bad take!
I mean I'd take a tracking nerf. It'd be nice for the axe to fully stop trying to chase some random red bar that isn't even looking at me.
Editado por iOawe: 1/19/2025 2:58:55 PMIt doesn’t need a nerf. It isn’t even op.. it’s honestly easy to kill someone out of.. there’s a comeback against it unlike nova bomb or the hunter arc super storm. Or honestly any of the other classes super. What more do you people want? At this point if they do anymore nerfs titans might as well be deleted from the character list.
Not any worse than the hunter arc and stasis supers( sorry don't know the names, only warlock). Destiny spends a lot of time building structure into the game( mostly from the new AI to move enemies to when you ADS) and I don't think any super should go through it, I get killed repeatedly by guardians and PVE enemies when I'm clearly behind structure.
I love picking up the axes for a free kill. They can’t nerf everything.
Let’s take this to its logical conclusion, nerf everything that grants free kills. So all supers are nerfed, paragrine greves are nerfed, throwing knife is nerfed, basically everything gets nerfed
At least notadaptive is not complaining about a weapon today… lol the classic of it killed me it must be op
Another day
I think they’ll make it one tier slower on the cooldown.
Editado por Spam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge: 1/18/2025 9:52:47 PMSpam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge
This is no light… it is but a curse - antigo
Dodge and Weave Do y’all just stand still and accept death lmao? Why am I asking ofc you do… -
Editado por Toots238857: 1/18/2025 8:52:32 PMYour name adds so much irony to your post. So much. P. S. You can't be serious.
No. -blam!- off and quit crying over 1 and done supers insta killing.
The tracking for the initial axe throw is friggin nuts
Editado por Kiro - 13: 1/18/2025 7:36:49 PMThe problem with your post is the fact that only at the top of PvP do the axes become a serious outlier. So every one is just gonna down vote you, say something to the effect of cry more, or tell you its just fine. A great example that is very similar to your current situation is when top tree dawn was outperforming stasis before it received a single nerf in all its broken glory. & thats not a personal take, Bungie literally flat out said this. It was as part of its reasoning they gave for changing dash from 2 charges to 1 in addition to celestial fire nerfs. But you would be attacked by the community for pointing out the imbalance issue of top tree dawn because 90% of the community sucks at PvP. Insert your plight... I wish you the best of luck in your uphill battle.
It is exceedingly strong with huge damage resist.
Editado por Dave.: 1/18/2025 6:10:30 PMIt doesn’t really. All the classes have their op supers Twilight is annoying to get killed by, yes, but so is every other super. Its animation is slow and clunky so you just have to dodge the axes (not hard for a hunter or Icarus warlock) or hide. Yes you can get pulled out of cover and that’s pretty annoying, however twilight restricts the movement unlike GG, Storms Edge, and song of flame. I think those are a lot more overpowered and I believe that the stasis titan super is more op than twilight. Supers are also meant to have a lot of damage resist. Storms edge is much worse because it has three charges, lots of mobility, and can clear a whole room at once. GG has a lot of freedom of movement, and has extremely high damage. GG can one tap any player even in super, and song of flame has a lot of damage resist and a lot of movement, AND you can use your weapons while in this super. Twilight does not need a nerf. None of the supers, or abilities, need nerfs. And if it’s so overpowered, why don’t you use it? Exploit its so called “overpower”