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Editado por Dave4232: 2/7/2025 5:18:32 AM

Error Code Bird Has begun occuring my Connection is not the issue.

I have been kicked out of the same Empire hunt multiple times now due to error code bird. are other people currently experiencing the issue? Update: Took off Queenbreaker and error code bird went away. dont know if it was coincidence. Update 2: Issue seems to have gone away but if someone can confirm my claim that would be nice :)
#Help #Errorcodes

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  • Same issue with Bird error. First happened on Friday evening while in VOG, two others in fireteam also had Bird errors and kicked to orbit at different times. Been kicked out of a nightfall and Nether three times now while solo and its most infuriating.

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  • Ican confirm that it is not from queen breakers specifically. I deleted it after reading this. NAT is open and my side is all working. I have only had it happen on hunter. Maybe arc related?

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  • Editado por Brahms: 2/8/2025 1:36:20 PM
    Ok.... this needs to be fixed. It's getting a bit ridiculous. Constantly disconnected and can barely run anything at all. At this rate I might as well stop playing with the frequency this is happening. This should be a top priority since people... I don't know..... would prefer to complete content without being randomly disconnected right at the end of trying to complete literally anything in the game right now.

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  • 2
    Would you happen to have been using prismatic when it happened?

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    • Editado por Rikky Rahl: 2/9/2025 7:35:58 AM
      I thought it might be important to report my findings. Had this issue all day today and the night before but I think I pinpointed the issue. One of the artifact perks are causing the issue. The only thing I changed from last night to today was adding new perks. When I removed all artifact perks except the champion ones, the issues went away. Edit: Issue did not go away. However, after extensive play it seems to only happen when I use Prismatic subclass, possibly in the Nether. Its really all I've tried to do. Other subclasses let me run it for long periods of time. But once I equip prismatic, it doesn't take long to get kicked. Tried pinpointing if its a particular aspect, fragment grenade, etc. But unequipping everything except the abilities still kicked me. So, maybe Prismatic in general is broken? Seems like others are getting kicked from other activities specifically when using Prismatic.

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    • Hi there, Thanks for reaching out. The team is aware that Guitar and Bird errors are occurring at an elevated rate, and is looking into these. We apologize for the inconvenience while these errors persist.

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      • I've also been consistently getting this error every time I load into a Nether run. It ruins progress on my entire run and makes it impossible to progress in the seasonal quest.

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      • Hello, I've been consistently experiencing constant disconnects to the bungie server: Error (Bird) as well and it started Wednesday. I'm not doing anything specific, it started while i was doing nightfalls then after 8-9 times of constantly error coding out of the nightfall (Because i was trying to finish it at the least.) i decided to try and level up my artifact by doing bounties and it's constantly Birding me even in open world content. My internet is perfectly fine, i've even switched between ethernet cable and wireless network to try and find a difference (There's none), restarted my router/modem, changed to a second internet network, restarted my computer, and I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game. I've done pretty much everything in my power to solve this issue and to no avail.

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