Great game but the crucible is broken in my opinion.
Titans and the Warlocks easily wipe out "multiple guardians" on a flag with their special attack. Because of that the nova bomb/ fist of havoc is completely over powered and game breaking in my opinion.
I would like to see super abilities nerfed or take longer to charge in crucible match ups.
I couldn't help but notice there's nothing about a hunter.
... Don't. Group. On. Flags. Both those abilities lose a lot of usefulness if you learn to spread out. You don't need 4 people standing on a flag. In Halo, a Rocket did the same job as a FoH.
Sorry you don't know how to spread out instead of dry humping your team. Also at later levels Golden Gun penetrates, makes enemies explode, and has a shorter cooldown... Meaning it will be more versatile(it kinda is already) than those two other supers.
This is the only mode currently available, these aren't so good in TDM, DM etc.