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Editado por ScoobaSteve G: 12/20/2014 9:13:53 AM

Cyber Bullying. Everyone can make a difference.

Everywhere we look, everywhere around us, we see things which most people turn a blind-eye to. Something that makes us hide in fear, hate our lives, and even want to end it all. Something so small but can so drastically change one's whole life. Something that ruins self-esteem, ruins beautiful personalities, ruins lives. It's a serious issue which we can all play a heroic role in to damper the pain which half of the world has been oppressed by. You can be there for another human being, you can make a difference in their lives. Make them feel worth something again. Make them feel beautiful. Make them feel like a part of this giant but so small world. So stand up for your neighbor and mute the noise of hate. You can make a difference. You can save a life. Go get em' guardians! [b]Edit: I would really like to be able to reply to everyone of you guardians and have intelligent, factual arguements, debates, and coversations. I'll reply to as many of you all as I can. However, there is a lot of you all! ;)[/b]

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  • The "bullies" will look at this and laugh. The bullied will seek unnecessary attention from you and people who agree with you, making them weaker and the bullies stronger. Get what I mean?

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    • 100% penis

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    • Editado por tombok90: 12/21/2014 5:22:31 AM
      Kids are soft these days. What ever happened to sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me? Cyber bullying seems like the easiest form of bullying to avoid. Grandpas remember when bullys used to say it to your face and you had to either take it, or fight back with words or fists. How to end cyber bullying? Press the ignore or mute button or press power lol. Everyone got bullied one time or another, learning to deal with it is a lifeskill. Theres bullies in adulthood too. Stop coddling, teach children how to deal with it. Theres bullies on all levels, the sooner u learn, the easier life gets.

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      • Editado por kkbubble: 12/20/2014 3:22:52 PM
        Ive been "bullied" my whole life. Im skinny. Im ugly. I have glasses. Im a huge nerd. And I wholeheartedly believe that that bullying is not a problem and that threads like these are the problem. These threads or magazine/newspaper articles make people feel like victims. They aren't victims. People are assholes, LEARN TO DEAL WITH IT OR GO HOME. The same people who believe in bullying are the people who believe in participation trophies. You cant let everyone win, not everyone in special. Some people are worse some are better. Some are weak sone are strong. Bullying is caused by boy's need to be the alpha male. The best the strongest, the one that has shown their power to the others and has made them beta males. Girls want to be the most desirable so the alpha male will notice them and mate with them. This will pass on the best genes ensuring their child's survival. Humans are animals. Deal with it. our libido and id control us more than you know. Cyber bullying is the stupidest thing of all. Just turn off the device, unfriend them. Don't text back. Ignore it. Don't start crying for help. Some guy texted me once; "i hope you die you little autistic blam. Bring a knife to school so i don't hurt you do bad." I ignored it. Nothing happened. I went on with my life. The real problem with "bullying" is that society teaches kids to be victims when they should teach them to be strong, to deal with it. To ignore it. And to just accept that it happens. I despise people who think bullying is a problem because those people are the problem.

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        • How is cyberbullying even a thing. There are countless ways to avoid abusive behavior over the internet. Why is everyone so soft in the static age...

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          • Editado por al33m: 12/21/2014 10:21:24 AM
            Cyber bullying isn't really a thing unless your spreading nudes. If someone said hang yourself and you hung yourself that would be natural selection. Edit. And if you don't take nudes in the first place than you can't really be defamed.

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          • Stop being so damn soft... Like really? You're going to lower your self image and "cower in fear" because of what some idiot behind a keyboard says? This is a complete joke and just further demonstrates how pathetic our society is today.

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            • I report any guardian that violates Bungie's Code of Conduct :)

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            • Want Glimmer?Fast 25k Glimmer in minutes.

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              • I just came here for radiant shards...

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              • Cyber bullying? Like for realz realz? Not for play play? Why anyone person would get hurt because some internet warrior said something is beyond me. You see I have these amazing things called balls (complimented with a lengthy girthy shaft) and they generate an invisible barrier around me which absorbs the foul things people say to me.

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              • First off. Cyber bullying is just the exploitation of how weak spirited society is becoming. If you get offended to the point where it effects you before you decide to mute someone. It's your fault. If you have a young child you're worried about. Have a talk with them. I'll tell you a story of playing CoD one weekend night with my buddies. We were having a good time harassing people over the internet as we played. Well guess what strolls into the lobby with us. A "squeaker". So me and my buddies apply standard procedures to belittle and berate said "squeaker". You know what he does? He doesn't cry, throw a fit or even argue back. His words stopped us in our tracks. He said, "you guys are just bullies trying to get a rise out of me. Whatever you say isn't going to work". We were astonished. All we could muster to say was "your parents win". Proper parenting can mitigate any kind of internet B.S. Thats just my two cents however.

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                6 Respostas
                • Cyber bullying is a bunch if BS yu know what REAL cyber bullying us? LAG thats right whenever yu lag yur Internet is bullying yu

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                  • I've always been a big guy. Joined the military when I was 18, became an infantryman. As far as bullying goes my dad told me something that always stuck with me; strong men don't push people down, they pick them up.

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                    • Bump

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                    • Or they could just block the cyber bully....

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                    • #offtopic

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                    • Editado por imc347: 12/20/2014 10:44:22 PM
                      Shouldn't this go to #OffTopic? But yeah, I think the solution is to ignore them. "Ignorance is bliss", as they say.

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                    • Just throwing this out there for some thought. I work as a Youth & Family Counselor in a mental health treatment center for teens. Most of the kids I work with come from the hospital. Most have histories of suicide ideation. Some of these kids have experienced bullying to extents that your average person couldn't even imagine. Thanks to the internet, they now get to take this bullying home with them. My issue is more with social media, namely Facebook, but I don't think a lot of things posted on these boards are okay. Cyber bullying is not okay but it seems people are not accountable to the words being typed or said online. People need to make more of an effort to keep their words appropriate and respectful online. I am not innocent myself but generally try to make an effort. Children aside, there is no reason for adults to be acting immature and using crude language even if it is a forum, game, website, or whatever that can only be accessed by adults. In conclusion, if you wouldn't say it to someone face to face then why say it online?

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                    • EVERYBODY STOP DISAGREEING WITH OP! OP is really onto something here. We all need to do our part to put an end to Cyberbullying once and for all. C'mon guys, what are we? We're Guardians. We are the only thing that stands between the light and the darkness. We need to stop fighting with OP and start fighting FOR OP AS GUARDIANS! We are Guardians, when the Fallen attack our city, do we tell the people to "block" the Dregs and the Vandals? Do we point at the Captain and tell the citizen to "Ignore that message"? NO! WE GRAB OUR HAND CANNONS AND WE PRECISION KILL THOSE @#?$ERS! I purpose the largest and most aggressive anti-cyber-bullying-campaign the world has ever born witness to! Together, as guardians, we will stop the tyranny of the modern cyber bully BUT WE WILL DO IT AS GUARDIANS. We will not "Raise awareness" or whatever other stupid crap OP is probably advocating. Those are the ways of the past, methods developed by so called activists, politicians, and pacifists. This movement of Guardians will make it clear that if you even try and damage the self-esteem of someone via electronic pathway: We will find you, and we will make you regret the day you looked at that noob and told him he was bad at video games. WE AS GUARDIANS WILL NO LONGER ABIDE THE ELECTRONIC SLANDER OF THE INNOCENT! WE WILL SEEK OUT THESE CYBER BULLIES AND BURN THEIR WORLDS DOWN AROUND THEM! WE WILL SIGN THEIR EMAILS UP FOR EVERY NEWSLETTER ON THE INTERNET! WE WILL DOMINATE THEIR ACTIVITY FEEDS WITH INVITATIONS TO GAMES THEY DON'T OWN. WE WILL DOMINATE THEIR COD AND BATTLEFID MATCHES. WE WILL INVADE THEIR MINECRAFT SERVERS AND BURN THEM TO ASHES. WE WILL TEABAG THEM AND RIDICULE THEIR KDR ON EVERY COMPETITIVE MULTIPLAYER THEY OWN! WE WILL CREATE FAKE FACEBOOK AND TWITTER ACCOUNTS AND POST EMBARRASING THINGS ON THEIR FRIENDS WALLS WHILE MAKING IT APPEAR AS THOUGH THEY HAD POSTED THEM. BUNGIE WILL HIRE NOTABLE VOICE ACTORS LIKE LIAM NEESON TO REPRESENT US TO THE WORLD! WE WILL ENLIST LIZARD SQUAD, OR YOUTUBE, TO TEACH US THE WAYS OF DDOS. THEIR LAG WILL BE SEVERE AND IT WILL BE PERPETUAL! THEY WILL HAVE NO SAFE PLACE TO HIDE FROM US PROVIDED THEY ARE IN FRONT OF A TV OR COMPUTER SCREEN AND HAVE THAT DEVICE CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET, NOWHERE I TELL YOU. AFTER MERE HOURS OF THIS BARRAGE THEY WILL OBVIOUSLY BE DRIVEN TO SUICIDE AND THE AGE OF THE CYBER BULLY WILL BE AT AN END. THE DARKNESS WILL RECEDE, AND THE GOLDEN AGE WILL BEGIN AGAIN. EVERYONE WE SAVED WILL VENTURE, OUT FROM THE CITY THAT IS THE INTERNET, AND INTO THE UNIVERSE THAT IS IRL. WE ARE WHAT REMAINS OF LIGHT! WHO IS WITH ME? OP?

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                      • bump

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                      • I play with some very young teenagers (they are like cracked out red bull junkies, and they also snap off in crucible) Anyway there's a kid in the group named striker. Striker has diabetes type one and his mother passed away. One of the other 13 year olds, trick, was making fun of him for being diabetic (because he has to take breaks in between games to take his medicine and eat his meals) and then said "how about you go cry to your mommy, oh wait she's dead" I kicked him from my friends list after that. These little kids are savage. I'm sure the kid trick gets picked on in school all day and just needs to go online and pick on other people.

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                      • People who are affected by that needs to get outside

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                      • Cyber bullying is crap. Why would you take anything someone says on the freaking internet seriously? Anyways, it's a first world problem and there are more troubling things to worry about.

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                      • Cyberbullying only works if you know that person irl. Any random can just get easily blocked forever

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