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"Anyway of making guns hot とにかく撃つ"

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    Early morning game play club existence n, apearance at 7 near Japan timez . 早朝ゲームクラブあります 朝ゲー部  seacret voice codes [Good to cover feald scout ] [Nodding nod strike ready ] [ASAP Lead ] [Sumou sumou wrestle ] [CP] [Field Scout] Whatever you wish , so lets taking a soft with your mug to see war field. 何でも御座れだ さあ 飲み物を 楽しみ 戦場へ。 EMGPC leading nakayama 朝ゲー部 中山 活動中 Until today you were alone with your choises everyday fighting Four season at the sky watch air craftes area Apearance funny tresure s Apearance one aim cross fire with your rifle shots to the enemies with the other hand canons. The same your way and your wishes welcome to the ASAP Strkers !! 四季を通して闘い様々な顔のスカイウォッチ地球 可笑しな掘り出し物見知らず共闘 君のやり方でいい 希望を続けて持て 歓迎するようこそエイサップストライカーズ へ!!! (エイサップ=as soon as possible )

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publicado originalmente em:ASAPStrikers
6/7/2015 2:32:43 AM

Ration control n, burrets pack. 糧食補給と弾薬バック

Sometimes you'll have breads n, peanut butter at market right? Then your choice grub crrakers buisketts too. You'll see capability to find peanut butter crrakers buisketts untill another weeks. After drinking at the cafe having a back of coffee beans. How about pizza derivery derivery order , rush out market to buy frozen pizza n, going back home to see pizza derivery . Averaged both fees n, grub both ration s . You'll see your own . from the above the choice near you'll be having burrets pack. Especially sp.weapon's one then you might choose pistol shooting all of enemies on the moon three days. パンとピーナッツバターを買うとするその時クラッカービスケットも買っておけば 週日も楽しめる カフェでコーヒーを飲んだ後にスーパーでコーヒー豆を買うチョイス ピザの配達を頼んで直ぐにスーパーに出かけて冷凍ピザを買って家に帰るとピザ屋さんが居るだろう。 それぞれ2つの費用を平均し糧食を沢山手に入れる 糧食補給の在り方だ 上記に似て弾薬バックを手にするだろう 特に特殊ウェポンの物を 月の敵勢力をピストルで三度一掃すれば良い。

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