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9/21/2024 6:41:57 AM

Normal dungeons b for the solo. Master dungeons for everyone else.

I'd be more than happy to solo every dungeon on normal or a lower difficulty for lesser rewards than master. For the majority of the dungeons, I love the detail of them but never really get to experience it. If ppl really want a challenge then that's what higher difficulties is for. Even for teams. It just balances it out. After all, U certainty done that on nightfalls.

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  • [quote]I'd be more than happy to solo every dungeon on normal or a lower difficulty for lesser rewards than master. For the majority of the dungeons, I love the detail of them but never really get to experience it. If ppl really want a challenge then that's what higher difficulties is for. Even for teams. It just balances it out. After all, U certainty done that on nightfalls.[/quote] Every Dungeon can be Soloed on the base difficulty and every Dungeon that offers a selectable difficulty (Grasp onward) also offers improved rewards for the higher difficulty (Artifice Armor, Exotic Cosmetic Triumphs) for those willing to accept the Challenge. You (yes, [u]you[/u]) can get to the point where you’re able to Solo Dungeons by: • Learning the mechanics for each encounter (by either going in blind and figuring things out or searching for online guides). • Creating builds that focus on survivability over raw DPS (if you’re new to Soloing Dungeons it’s perfectly fine to take more than five damage phases per Boss; focus on besting the content, not the streamers). • Playing defensively where necessary; use cover, fall back if you’re being overrun, and use Healing, Overshields, Invisibility and/or Blinding effects to improve your chances (better to clear an encounter in one attempt that takes forty minutes than to spend forty attempts failing to clear it in five minutes). • Taking breaks; don’t spend several hours in a day trying to force yourself through a Dungeon run or you’ll burn out (taking time away from a problem to focus on something else entirely will improve your lateral thinking, allowing you to suddenly recognize where improvements might be made rather than getting stuck in an eight hour rut focusing on your mistakes). • After utilizing the above suggestions, aiming for a completion time in the two to three hour range for a full Solo Dungeon run (you are not a Streamer, you don’t get paid to play Destiny like a crazed god, you don’t have to Solo a Dungeon in 45 minutes). (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)

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