Owners of the Exotic [OTK]

You win some, you lose some.

This clan was created from the group Owners of the Katana, an organization made in 2007 in the Halo 3 era. This group was one of the largest communities on the site for many years, and was the last group to ever be chosen for the Halo 3 Favorites, with some files from the group being present up until the day the servers shut down in 2022. Over 16 years later, this clan's evolved purpose is to provide gamers a place for friendly, low stakes play in a variety of video games. All are welcome who can leave their anger at the door and can share their love for gaming with those around them.

  • Открытый клан

  • Участников: 92

  • Дата создания: July 15, 2014

Прогресс сезона

Когда уровень вашего клана повышается, ваш персонаж получает бонусы и награды. Уровень клана зависит от того, насколько активно он принимает участие в различных заданиях.

Уровень клана


0 Еженедельный вклад в клан

Участники (92 / 100)






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