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xAllegiancex UK

"NOT IN USE - Please join xAllegiancex Europe"

Запрос на вступление
  • Основные цели

    [b]xAllegiancex[/b] is Currently a PS4 Destiny Community. Our Primary Goal is to help anyone and everyone we possibly can. Everybody is always welcome; from those less experienced that need help to those more experienced that like to help others. We also pride ourselves in creating social relationships both personally and gaming wise within our community. We want to make sure that every guardian hits their highest potential of skill relative to the games our community plays. Please note that this division is currently not in use. To be a part of this great community, and find out which division you should join, please visit us at [url][/url]

  • Участие

    272 Участники
    Общее количество пользователей, вступивших в эту группу
    9 Стаж группы
    Срок активности этой группы (в годах)
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