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2/11/2015 9:34:58 AM

PS Vita Destiny Remote Play broken after last update

Still Broken


Fixed and Working


I have Destiny running on both XBox One and PS4 but when I am am not at home and grinding away at work, I like to take my PSN Destiny with me on my Vita. Now my complaint is that before the mandatory update of 3.35 last year few months back I was remote playing Destiny just fine on my work network which is very secure for the industry I work in. But after the update it seems my vita can't seem to stay connected more than few minutes at a time before it gets disconnected from my PS4. Nothing has changed except the latest Vita update. I know there are many more who are experiencing this issue. My sole purpose of owning a Vita was to able to play my console games through wifi network away from home. It worked fine before this broken update, sorry I just had to vent. Now I did some research on it and found ways to tweet my router but this never had to be done before. If any of you other guardians are experiencing or have found solutions to this please leave a reply. I would like to here from you.
#Gaming #psvita

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