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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Havatti): 2/14/2015 9:58:27 AM

Xur... We love him, we hate him. But he surely knows what love is. My personal Reaction this week to our favorite agent

This video is satire, but Xur and I have a burning passion for each other at times, as we all do. I recorded this during a Twitch Livestream test, and was talking to my friend I know it's only a crest of Alpha Lupi, but sometimes we just need a small win with Xur. I made this video as a joke to poke fun at the things he's been selling recently. I know a lot of people have been upset, but i was actually pleased this week for the first time in awhile. Subscribe to my Youtube channel if you enjoyed this. There will be more videos coming within the weeks. Please Enjoy -Havatti

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