...[b]you regenerate any super enegy right at the end of Arc Blade's duration.[/b] Basically, when using Arc Blade while Encore is active, each kill with your Arc Blade will increase the duration of Arc Blade by adding super energy. When the bar is really low and Encore regenerates any energy, you could be defenseless for a bit. This is usually hard to notice if you only get one kill with your last hit, but if you use "Show Stopper" to kill a group at the end of your Arc Blade duration, you could see a full 5 seconds without being able to attack with Arc Blade. Try it out for yourself, it's easy to do. It makes Encore actually kinda unpleasant and risky to consider using...
Confirmed. In the locked state, you can't attack or use the show-stopper ability - only run around until the super meter runs down.