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Изменено (Dredgen Epyx): 2/27/2015 6:17:05 PM

Themed dlcs(designers open house)

good idea, it should be done


meh idea, I don't know


bad idea, no just no


I had an idea for a while and would like bungie to look at this. The idea is themed dlcs, not based off the enemies in the game, like based off games that both bungie and activision hazve made in the past. One example that fans would like is a halo theme dlc. The weapons and armor would be based on weapons and armor from the game. The weapons would have the shell of the gun from halo but still fit in the Destiny world, including the armor. Another good example would be transformers, all the weapons would have the shell of that gun from the game or movie, but still look like the guns from Destiny, including armor. If you have any opinions or suggestions let me know. And bungie READ THIS PLEASE AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK OF THIS PLEASE

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