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3/13/2015 6:37:20 PM

Strike Completion Suggestions

So in the weekly update, Deej mentioned that they are going to take a look at why people aren't finishing certain strikes as frequently as other. I expect that the strikes that are going to fall under that category are Undying Mind, The Will of Crota (Omnigul), Cerberus Vae, and Dust Palace. Winter's Run (Archon Priest) might also be in there. At the end of the day, they just aren't fun. What would be your recommendations for things that they could change in those strikes or strike playlists in general? General Ideas: - Decrease the boss HP totals for each of those by 25%. - Keep regular records for completion rates. When doing updates, provide a bonus that slightly improves drops based on completion rates (i.e. have a 10% boost to legendary engram chances for the one least finished strike). Adjust this regularly and in the background. (Must deal damage to the boss to qualify.) - Make the strikes that aren't being completed slightly shorter. If most people can run one strike in 7-8 minutes but another generally takes 20 (by average players in random groups), of course they're going to choose the shorter ones every time. - Provide some sort of bonus for every 5 strikes completed consecutively without backing out from matchmaking. Maybe a bonus 50 reputation or double drops for the fifth strike. (Must deal damage to the boss to qualify.) - Create a new, higher level strike playlist that incorporates burns randomly, especially if they don't change the HP totals for anything. - In many of these strikes, even a single wave of enemies less would speed up the process significantly and would make them more fun to play. They just seem to drag. ---------- For specific ideas, Undying Mind is the one that I have an idea about immediately. First off, make it so that the yellow enemies actually drop glimmer, even if they don't get a bonus from glimmer items. Omnigul's biggest issue to me is that the last encounter really limits your options for fighting her. I'm not sure how to actually fix this (I actually like the first two sections of this one). With Cerberus Vae, the tank battle pretty much makes it so that you have to stay back, due to one-hit kills, which is really boring. Plus, the guards being Phalanxes isn't a fun mechanic; it's just time consuming, especially when they hide in a room with one viable entrance. Valus is possibly the biggest bullet sponge in the game. With the Dust Palace, I'd say either slightly fewer adds or another half second or so added to the regen delay for the Flayers' shields.

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