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Изменено (Britton): 3/21/2015 8:10:31 PM

The world needs science

You know I have noticed that whenever I post about Destiny, I don't get many replies. But if I post about science, suddenly it rockets up the trending list. Does the world hate science? It's 2015, the world is steadily evolving, reaching for the stars, seeking power, satisfaction, success. But when it's all said and done, there's something's money can't buy, like true love, joy. We talk a good game, but at the end of the road lies the question: What now? What happens when I die? I would like to encourage all of you, in the spirit of love, to look to science, logic and reason. I began to understand science as child when I observed the world around me. I called on myself to understand my problems and find the strength I needed to overcome them. I used logic and reason to understand issues and what caused them. So I made a conscious decision to solve my own problems and I did. Why does science, logic and reason seem so far away? We wonder why it seems as though we need some supernatural being to blame everything on. In reality our problems are our own, but nobody likes that explanation. This is because we are human and want an answer to our questions and have trouble accepting "we don't know yet" as an answer. "Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world. Science is the highest personification of the nation because that nation will remain the first which carries the furthest the works of thought and intelligence." "Science, my lad, is made up of mistakes, but they are mistakes which it is useful to make, because they lead little by little to the truth." The truth is not far at all, its all around you. Take responsibility Today nothing is your fault. Its because you have ADHD, your parents were mean, you can't control your temper, your being oppressed by the man, life is hard, or life is unfair. Guess what, if you performed the act you are responsible for the consequences. Its part of growing up. Passing the blame doesn't solve your problems, it just always whatever is causing them to persist. Be an adult and figure out how to mitigate the source of the issue using your reason. Why is logic and reason so important? The answer is simple, the ability to reason is fundamental to human nature. It follows then that how well we can reason is likely to be an indicator of our intelligence as it encompasses both processes - extracting information from previous knowledge and using it to resolve new problems as they arise. If you keep developing your logic and reasoning skills you'll find you can handle life's problems much more proficiently. Logic and reason is the foundation of good science which is what expands the collective knowledge of humanity. Today's science is tomorrow's technology. Denying science is denying reason and logic, and is withholding progress from man kind. Death. Its a natural thing, however even after your body dies, and your body is absorbed back into the earth by insects and natural decomposition. Your atoms will remain. And just like they once belonged to stars that went super nova and spewed there contents into the universe, your atoms are carried on, and may even help make up another person in the future. So while our physical forms may die, the building blocks that make us real will remain. Life is something we are lucky to not only have, but experience. So what this life means to you is something you forge for yourself using your own values and experiences based on the people you love and the things you enjoy. Enjoy this life, you have the tools, logic and reason, to understand the universe better than any other species of animal that's known to mankind. Don't throw them away. Use them to enjoy this life and enhance your own love and happiness. [spoiler]this is a parody thread, however I figured it should at least make a point. [/spoiler]

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