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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
4/13/2015 2:13:29 AM

Reported for 'T bagging' ......

Thought i would share my experience So here's the story... I was just goofing around in the tower killing time, making myself laugh by bobbing up and down in unison with some random people by crouching when I recieve a message from a random guy in the tower: Random guy: "I have reported you for unfriendly behaviour. Go and play another game if your gonna be rude" Me: "you are joking?" Random guy: no, stop t bagging people (At this point I have completely lost my shit laughing at the noob) Me: "Actually I was just bobbing up and down like an oompah loompa" Random guy: "it's called t bagging" So it seems I have been told by the Destiny police to not crouch up and down because my womanly balls are "t bagging" the floor. Hahahahah.

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