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Изменено (chris mk44): 4/16/2015 10:29:48 PM

Replacements CAN work!

I honestly don't understand Destiny's not being able to send you "lost or missing" items. They are 100% able to send things to your vault whenever they feel like it. Remember, the story of the Fate of All Fools, and how we got our New Year's gifts. I there is a way around this that works exceptionally well for the players, and Destiny! Each legendary or exotic item will come with an ID number. It's like the fingerprint of exotic weapons. If you lose an item, contact Destiny, and tell them the item you lost and the ID number. The employee will proceed to search for the number in a database. If the item exists, it will show up. If it does not exist in any vault or character, then it is confirmed that the item did go missing, because nobody would know that number unless it existed at one point in time. This is a foolproof system to prevent anybody trying to get free stuff. No number, no replacement. I really do hope this article is seen by Destiny, because it could change the future of the game, and turn a lot of complainers into big supporters. So please respond with your thoughts on this idea; improvements, suggestions, stuff like that, so it can be seen by Bungie. Thanks for reading.

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