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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
4/18/2015 1:33:56 AM

I love Destiny.

Not going to Felwinter's Lie. This game is the Nova Bomb. Yeah, I'll stop now... Ahhh, raids, strikes and the crucible. If this game actually sucked, I wouldn't have 800+ Hours invested. Idc if it's a grind fest. I've had more fun with my friends on this game than I ever had. Hell! 80$ for this enjoyment is awesome. Thanks Bungie. Especially DeeJ, putting up with all the death threats, sues and "-blam!- you" pictures. Frustrated because that one Gjallahorn won't drop for you? Always remember, at the point where you stopped playing Destiny for fun and for the drops instead. That's where you started doing something wrong ;) Positive stuff about Destiny? Post in the Dark Below.

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