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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Evertill): 4/25/2015 2:20:32 PM

Created a Faction War myself!

Good idea, do this!


Bad Idea, don't bother!


Hell Yeah! FWC FTW!


Yes! New Monarchy, let's go!


Let's DO it, Dead Orbit!


So this is something I've been wanting to do for a long time. My idea is to create an alliance of three clans, a Faction War clan for each faction. You join your favorite faction, and on specified days(most likely weekends) we would come together and organize battles in the Crucible. Since there's no custom matches it might be difficult, but we would essentially start matchmaking at the same time until we join the same lobby. I've heard of others organizing like this, but I'm not sure of how well it actually works. So if it's viable to do, we would set it up like this: ~Must use all faction gear for your respective faction. This means no Exotic weapons, but 1 exotic Armor piece would be acceptable. So Faction primary, special and heavy weapons only. Minimum 3 faction armor pieces, faction emblem and faction class item. Faction ship and shader where applicable, I know these bastards are hard to come by! We'd be playing on the honor system, so hopefully people follow these few simple rules to make the most of it! ~Select time and dates to do this. Most likely weekends because most people have some free time. ~If there's enough people, we'd likely have to select leaders for each for each faction to help organize events, so you could play an integral role in the project! Skirmishes would be likely be the easiest to set up. Does anyone know for sure if two clans come together to form a full fireteam with three from each, that matchmaking would put them on alpha and bravo accordingly? That would be perfect! Although obviously we would want to do Control and Clash as well. I think this would be a great thing to do. It would be a true test of skill and add some more variety to what we get killed by. No more Thorns, TLWs, etc.! Do you think this is something you would like to do? Let me know! If there is enough support for this, I will set about getting this started as soon as possible! Sign for support so I can message you if this goes down, or check back here for an update to join the clan(s)! I think this could really spice up the crucible and who knows.. If it becomes popular enough, maybe Bungie will give us Custom Matches or even create an official faction war playlist themselves! *Also if you like, share your faction setup below. Each of my characters represent a different faction, but my main is Hunter, and he flies the Future War Cult flag! I'd likely be using: The Calling(scout rifle) The Calming(fusion rifle) The Culling(machine gun) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update: So I've decided(after not much deliberation) to go ahead and do it! I am on Playstation 4, so I'll be organizing events there. But I need someone who can handle the Xbox side! Join one of the FactionWars groups and get ready to battle! Pick a side and let's make this happen! [url=]The FactionWars Main Group[/url] [url=]Join Dead Orbit[/url] [url=]Join Future War Cult[/url] [url=]Join New Monarchy[/url] I look forward to playing with all of you, no matter what faction you choose! I'll also be looking for the most loyal of you to help run the factions; I can't take care of all three by myself! when we have the requisite number of players, we will begin! we'll need at least three for each faction to start some skirmish matches.

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