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Завтра Destiny 2 будет временно недоступна в связи с плановым техобслуживанием. Следите за новостями @BungieHelp.


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Изменено (DemonWarfare): 5/27/2015 11:36:34 AM

Nuclear Holocaust vs The Purge

I saw another post talking about nukes and Iran and saw some replies from people that want the world to just blow up. To those that have that stance, [b]Why would you want to die because you think everyone else is bad?[/b] [b]Under that logic why not have The Purge instead?[/b] So at least you can survive and rid the world of those you think unfit. A summary of the movie if your not familiar: [spoiler]The purge is a movie where once a year/a holiday if you will, all crime is legal so people can purge themselves and they agree to be law abiding citizens the rest of the year. In the movie this tactic has resulted in the lowest crime rate ever and its virtually non existent.[/spoiler]

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