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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
5/13/2015 8:34:56 AM


What are some things you would like to see added into the game? Me for example I would like to see the option to trade materials for Marks/Glimmer back withe The Crucible/Vanguard vendors. Also an exchange system between Ascendant Materials (similar to Eris Morn and Radiant Materials.) What would I like to be taken away? Dark Below Daily Missions. In my opinion they're not fun, they're not challenging, and they're only available at Lvl 30. What if a 24 wanted to do a Lvl 22 Daily much like with the Standard Dailies? By making them only Lvl 30 you're limiting your players participation. Not everyone has 3 Lvl 30+ characters. (I do, but I'm thinking of the community as a whole.) These are just some of my thoughts. Feel free to give your own ideas, or even offer constructive criticism, but please be respectful. Thanks.

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