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Изменено (Madness2189): 5/19/2015 4:12:09 AM

Ignite not working

Hi, I have been experiencing this issue with ignite not working in pvp since my return to the game about a month ago. I would place a solar grenade right on top of a played and they would run out of it and not be on fire. Have also been having the issue with scorch. That or it would wear off prematurely. This happens way to often. What has been changed to ignite that could cause this problem? Because I am really getting frustrated with shooting someone once or twice and igniting them and them not dieing from the dot. Titens and hunters have a oneshot melee ability, they have from the start of the game. Warlocks no, they had a melee that would ignite someone and if you were skilled enough you could survive after meleeing. This issue better not be because of a nerf hammer, due to complaints. Because honestly that's ridiculous.

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