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Изменено (Hyporheic): 5/19/2015 1:35:22 PM

Suggest LFG Flag / Visual Marker for Social Zones

Make a visual cue for social areas or patrol missions that would indicate to other players that a guardian is interested in grouping for a strike or raid etc. This could be a change in how the players name displays (like the change from blue to green when players are in the same fire team) the Guardians name could be Yellow for PVP, Orange for Strikes, and Red for Raids, or just one color change that would flag for any event. Players could toggle the marker on or off in a menu screen, that menu could allow the plyer to check a box indicating which events that player is interested in running (specific raids, strikes, or pvp). Other players could see the visual flag in any social area and or patrol mission and inspect that player to see what events that guardian is interested in running. This would cut down on some of the totally Random group invites, and help players interested in running in a group get together in game rather than relying on third party web pages.

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