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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
5/21/2015 8:59:19 AM

I don't want to sound like one of those people but..

I'm really considering quitting.. But hear me out. I just completed Prison of Elders on level 34. I spent a long time trying to complete it. (Hours and hours) I did it already on my Titan before this time. So I was on my Warlock. We got to the boss and my team struggled to stay alive with the flaming ground. So after countless tries I was forced to hop on my Titan (in the hopes of being able to switch back to my warlock after I kill him so I can still collect the goodies to become level 34) but I was wrong.. The game wouldn't even let me join back.. Never in my Destiny life have I ever been more sad. So much time put into that and effort.. I'm really sad. I can't even explain how I feel right now. I just feel like I wasted so much time and effort. What do I do.. Because this really sucks. I doubt anyone will even respond..
#Destiny #sigh

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