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впервые опубликовано в:Thorny Guardians
5/16/2015 12:07:56 PM

A Letter to DarkChildOfLight

Dear Dark, We miss you, man. You're hardly in. The TG creator and our leader is missing, to our chagrin We attain new members and make new friends with whomever comes in But us old dogs miss you, Dark, your loyal admins We miss your inspiring speeches, your poems and commands We're hoping you're back when House of Wolves lands We hope to see you pop by, asking if you could lend a hand So we could reply, 'Dark! Welcome back!...always got you covered, man' Dark, TG has changed a lot. I hope you know that I hope you're proud and we're on the right track We are a thousand strong, waiting for the day you're back Lead them once more, let us bare our fangs. Drive us on, your Thorny Wolfpack We promise you that our Thorns are yours to lend We're always here, Dark, tell us where and when You have an army at your back, thorns all ready on end Don't forget that, Dark. Sincerely yours, Your Thorny Friends.

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