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6/7/2015 9:14:57 PM

Reaper Division - An Xbox 360 clan

Have you ever wanted to strike fear into your enemies? Of course. And you probably do now just fine. But we here at Reaper Division can improve upon your natural talents. I speak on behalf of all of us when I say that we are a family. We rag on each other, we taunt each other, we destroy friend and for alike. And now you can have the opportunity to join in on the madness. We are opening the doors to our madness. We will only be taking a select few in this round, and we expect the few who survive to show nothing more than the absolute best that they can when it comes to coordination, teamwork involved in both the crucible and pve instances, as well as just being able to withstand all the jokes we constantly sling at each other. We like to perform just about every activity that Destiny has to offer, and will likely be raiding on a weekly basis...minus the cheddar. Now, I do find it necessary to mention that we are extending this invite to any player who thinks they withstand our trials. We don't care what level you are as long as you can compete with your clan mates. If you need help catching up in levels, you have but to ask. Myself, or one of the other senior members will gladly assist. We will not tolerate slackers however. We do understand that real life takes priority in terms of things, but if you aren't checking in to either let us know you will be inactive or you won't be playing for a couple hours, that's acceptable. But don't let it be consistent because if it happens too often we will have to terminate your membership. So I look forward to further interviewing you should you accept the invitation. And for those who don't, we'll see you on the battlefield...but you won't see us.

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