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Изменено (wojo55): 6/20/2015 11:09:56 PM

Ps4 vs xbone annoying

I don't make threads on here a lot nor do they get much attention. I also been in lots of debates and can be a asshole at times so I'm sure I'm not the most liked guy either, but Sometimes I gotta just speak up. There's always been a lot of these which console is better threads or more or less one person just bashing one console or another. Lately it's been at a all time high and I'm sure e3 partly to blame, but I think kids with lots of time on there hands cause of summer vacation is the biggest reason. I mean if your an adult and you go to these levels to fight with other squeakers then your not much of an adult. I'm guilty of bumping these to the top but I always hit disliked and I'm very tired of seeing it at the top of the page in such high volume when all I want to do is talked about games. I urge as many of you that read this to disliked any you come across. End of rant Tl;dr disliked the threads

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