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Изменено (DeadSoul103): 6/25/2015 6:33:06 AM

Do you lie about the amount of people you book for a hotel?

Yes (Does not exceed room limit)


Yes (Exceeds room capacity)




I haven't been to a hotel, but I would lie about the amount of people to save $$$


I haven't been to a hotel, and I would not lie to save $$$


[b][i][u]EDIT[/u][/i][/b]: Let's say you traveled with a group of 5 people, then would you get two rooms to comply with the rules, or would you lie about the amount of people in the room. [b][u][i]BASE YOUR ANSWER OFF OF THIS![/i][/u][/b] To those who have been to a hotel, have you ever told the front desk that you're booking "X" amount of people and end up sneaking in more people then you stated? I have had plenty of experiences where we sneak in more people than the fire code allows us to, and we've never been caught. So flood, be honest, have you lied?

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