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6/25/2015 1:54:55 PM

My Take on the Price of TTK

I want to start by saying that Destiny is a much more fun game, the more people that play. The more that play the easier it is to get teams together (still wish for optional matchmaking), and I personally just enjoy it more when I see more players rooming in patrol, or in the social areas. That being said Bungie had to make the price point for all the games at an amount that new players can afford to get in. That is why they are charging $60 for the Taken King and all its expansions, to keep the entry price of the game low. If a new player was forced to buy all the games separately they would need to pay $140, who would start a new game with that kind of entry pricing? It makes logical sense to charge less for the games that have been out for a year, in order to keep your potential customers. If you waited till now to buy an old gen console you are paying less then it cost when it first came out as well things go down in price as they get older. Secondly the collectors edition of the game was $80, this is the edition that included the exclusive content. The version for just that game was $60. Therefore the exclusive content was valued at $20 in that package ($80 - $60 = $20). Personally I was not concerned about the little nick nacks, those were just going to end up gathering dust on a shelf, I wanted the digital content but not really enough to pay the $80 but I might pay an extra $20 for it. So being sold those digital ad-ons for $20 (the same that the new players had to pay) is very fair. Who are we to demand extra things for free? I just hope that they use some of this money to keep adding more content to the game, and improving the servers. I will support something as long as I keep having fun playing it. They gave us what everyone asked for, but of course the community is still not happy. Lastly, let's just please calm down and enjoy the game. That is all it is, a video game. You obviously have fun playing it if you care enough to come here and post about it.

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