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6/27/2015 2:29:59 PM

Weapon ammo changes when traveling to another location

Scenario: I am running a bounty on Mars. Finish the bounty and I am out of heavy ammo. I use a heavy ammo synth, BAM! I have a fully loaded G'horn!!! Immediately I check my bounties that I need to complete. I have to do 6 patrols on I fly to earth (keep in mind that I haven't fired my fully loaded G'horn). I land on Earth and I am ready for business, but somehow along the way I lost 2 of my rockets (same goes for the other ammo, it has changed). So why am I losing ammo simply by changing my location? This shouldn't happen....ever. This would be like giving me $20 then I drive to my friends house only to find $15 in my pocket...does this add up?

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