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6/28/2015 5:42:09 PM

Destiny! An amazing game with non-existent servers!

Destiny is by far my favourite game and crucible is where I spend the majority of my time but sadly Bungie doesn't seem to know how servers work. They went into maintenance last week and came back fine, well - I think. I was mainly on solid green bar in all games, with the exception of dipping down to red bar for under 10 seconds before it shot back up to solid green once again. If I wanted to be a nit-pick, I'd say they shouldn't dip down to red at all. Also, I think I can safely say that this issue only happens on Destiny and no other games, I'm pretty sure everyone will agree with me there. For an example, if I played Grand Theft Auto V, my connection would be perfect, the servers would be fine, so on, not to mention that Grand Theft Auto V has to handle a lot more than Destiny. Back on to the topic of the servers, I can't play a game in the crucible without dipping down to red or yellow bar for a good portion of the match, and if it's not me on bad connection, it's the opponent. Jumping and skipping around, walking into walls, my shots don't count (Literally I've emptied a mag of my Scholar into a guy and it did nothing) but hey, they'll always somehow kill me from behind when a second ago they were up in my face. To conclude this, Bungie. Look after the servers, fix them, they're by far the worst servers I've ever played on. Do more maintenance if you have to. People will complain about the servers being shut off for a while, maybe a few days, but in the long run it'll be good for the community, and you'll see less of these text walls. - Sincerely, The Destiny Community.

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