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7/15/2015 6:16:40 AM

Tokers & Smoker, Let's Chill.

High Above the Clouds would like to formally invite you to join our ranks as House of Wolves draws near. This is a mature clan and we will keep it this way. All playing types are welcome, skill level is of minimum impact (We can carry you if need be) and willingness to help clan friends is a must. We even welcome you casuals and will work you into raids as much as possible if you want. This group is for adults 18 and over only due to the sensitive content. If you are a Smoker, Toker, or just love the Dabs this is the place for you. Again: 18+ years of age Casuals welcome Hardcore welcome Engaged and willingness to participate is a must. 420 & 710 Friendly is always a plus! APPLY HERE: [url][/url]

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