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7/20/2015 5:49:39 AM

[XBOX ONE] Dead Orbit Demons are recruiting CLAN members Guardians, i am TheBlazingCrab and the Founder (Clan Leader) of the Dead Orbit Demons Clan. I am happily recruiting Guardians for my XBOX ONE clan, we do Raids, Nightfalls, Heroic strikes, PvP, PvE, Trials of Osiris, Prison of Elders ect..i am personally looking for guardians that are interested in doing the activities listed above every week without fail no doubt. we have 22 Members but 5 of those are on XBOX ONE and the Rest, XBOX 360. So if you want to join my Clan you will need to have; 1. A level 30 or 32+ Character/s 2. A mic (not compulsory but highly recommended) 3. Be active in the Clan. If you are interested in joining the Clan and/or have any questions, Add me and Message me on XBOX ONE; TheBlazingCrab F.Y.I....i left my clan page as a link if any of you Guardians want to put an application to join or check the clan out. Looking forward to seeing you Guardians on the Battlefield, TheBlazingCrab

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