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Изменено (Darth Bane X): 8/8/2015 12:26:30 AM

★Mythic Divisions Update

[b]Mythic Update Reloaded - July 2015[/b] “[i]Give Light, and the Darkness will disappear of itself[/i].” - [b][url=]Desiderius Erasmus[/url][/b] The Clans will be experiencing rapid expansion in the next few weeks due to a new recruitment campaign for late summer 2015 in anticipation for [b]The Taken King[/b] in September. That campaign will introduce many new features for the Mythic Divisions including: • Expanded community social media channels ([b][url=]Twitter[/url], Facebook, Youtube, Twitch[/b]) *Follow [u]Lord Erasmus[/u] [url=]@mythicregime[/url] on Twitter! • Official [b]Clans of Destiny[/b] Guild Page • New Mythic Regime [b]Clan Events - Streams - Destiny Clan Wars[/b] And while our journey through Year One is nearly complete, the War is continuing to escalate into a new theatre of combat and tactical ruthlessness. In preparation for sending Mythic boarding parties to [b]The Dreadnaught[/b], we are working on some new ideas for effective community interactions and cohesive clan communications. We have tried new things to embrace our community and to create a definition of what we are - of what we are becoming. Some of those concepts have been more effective than others - and with Bungie not as of yet implementing real in-game incentives for Clan membership and/or activities (besides achievements, clan tags, and comms) - implementing a new framework for Mythic Regime operations is vital for our continued success into Year Two. It is our combined Light that makes us [i]strong[/i], Guardian. We would not be what we are without you - [u]each and every one of you defines what we are, and what we will be[/u]. It is a learning experience for all of us involved, and I think as time goes forward that we will be able to implement effective solutions that will truly match up with what [b]we are becoming[/b]. ———————————————————— We felt it was important to do a Mythic Update at this time just to let everybody know that Clan operations are heavily active behind the scenes as far as building better activities, events, and more effective ways to game cooperatively - and that we will introduce a lot of this stuff within a [i]relatively short amount of time[/i] - and with a few surprises coming up that must remain classified for now… [b][url=]The Fire Rises[/url][/b] ———————————————————— Salute and honor to the entire Mythic Regime Divisions and Mythic Platoons: Northstorm, Recon, and Nemesis Ascendant [b]eRageRambo[/b]. Big up and major shout out to [b]drazil, TwiZZleRz, Jassillion[/b], for leading top three in the last Iron Banner, the entire battalion for taking first place ([b]Arbiter343, Twisters364, MLC ELITE[/b] in the top 3) in Hardcore Control last week in Destiny Clan Wars, and [b]Zoom Swift[/b] and [b]MuffinMonster03[/b] for the massive onslaught to [url=]The Lighthouse[/url]. ———————————————————— [b]tl;dr[/b] - [i]Synopsis[/i]: Mythic Regime is integrating [b]online social media, Clans of Destiny, and Destiny Clan Wars[/b] into the fold. [b]New Clan Events: Twitch streaming, New Co-op Activities, Clan Wars, Moments of Triumph[/b]. [b]Follow Lord Erasmus [url=]@mythicregime[/url] on Twitter![/b]

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