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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
7/24/2015 5:20:24 AM

LimitOver the name of my new clan founder BEASTMODE M3000

NEW clan called LimitOver im the founder BEASTMODE M3000. The reasons for making this clan are to form a unity of great gamers and for people to always have someone to play destiny with. As all of you may or may not know there is but some people are not high level or lvl 34 the maxx. level of current Destiny. I am lvl 33 on my highest character now coming to Destiny after a while. I have friends online who play with me but there not always on, in this clan i want to make it so your always able to find a clan member ready to play with you for a raid or just a daily event in Destiny. For everyone who join the clan i hope everyone reaches lvl 34 and helps other clan member to get to this level as well. I want everyone to surpass their human limits when they join and for this clan to become legendary hence the clans name "LimitOver" anyone can join and this post has a link to the clan and here is a link so its easy to see( i hope everyone joins up and tell your friends to also yeah <(*=*<) join up!

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