I know alot of ps4 owners are having problems with psn a service your paying for but know you can finally do something about it. Betterpsn.com finally gives Sony fans a voice to express their opinions about the service and change the psn for the better.
Ok guys I may be xbox fan but I'm a gamer first there are certain games I wanna play on playstation and xbox.
Yeahhhh That was nothing to do with PSN. Capcom already admitted fault on that.
Cringy xbox fan tards, nothing new here, I haven't been kicked off psn once since Christmas.
I'm not having problems with psn? Yeah I know this is a lame bait attempt from a fanboy but still, I have had more problems with live since I have it though but downtimes are normal and they can be interrupted at any time
Изменено (Tasty Dubois): 7/30/2015 5:12:45 PMWell Xbox has server issues too just not as often. (Xbox user here)
Изменено (thefourfoldroot): 7/30/2015 11:35:04 AMIt's funny how, whenever Xbox live goes down, you see these threads come up being critical of psn. Not saying it's the case here, but generally (although your account is connected to Xbox live so you never know) Personally i haven't had an issue since the ddos attack Xbox and playstation suffered at Christmas; but then I only play an hour or 2 a day so maybe I just miss it. Even during scheduled maintenance I can still play online.
I haven't had any real big issues. If a game crashes I just report the problem and go back into the game, psn has worked fine, a few problems here and there but nothing's perfect and there aren't any real problems
I've had very few issues with psn over the past 6 years.
They need to make #betterpsplus too
I don't care about infrastructure seeing as how the last time I was down on ps was Christmas and the last time me Xbox was down was the other day. They both have problems. Sony obviously has more. What we REALLY need across the board is the return policy steam released to come to psn and Xbox live. THAT is the one of the best ideas I've heard in a long time in gaming.
Meh. Psn works fine for me. XBL works fine for me. Couldn't care less.
I don't know I'd that beta being bad was due to psn. I'm all for improving psn though. They do too much Maintenance on their servers. Xbox just had some issues this week though, but normally is pretty stable although I just hate the ui and snap on the xbox one so much it makes me want to punch babies.
Not gonna lie, based off your username, I was expecting the link to be to Xbox.com as a troll.
At least you got two matches. I never made it past the title screen. Capcom was at fault for the SF5 beta. Allowing people into the beta from Amazon, gamestop pre-orders was ridiculous with such an early build. People had pre-ordered on Amazon, cancelled their orders after they got a code, a huge amount weren't even fighting fans. PSN is years behind microsoft with network infrastructure...