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Изменено (TraderShadow): 6/24/2015 12:13:33 AM

A question for the Dev team

Dear Dev Team, I was really hoping that we could get more vehicles to earn, and i don't mean more sparrows. While Sparrows are nice a better variety would be really nice. We have these Cool looking Pikes and Heavy Pikes, not to mention the Cabal ones. Could you make these available for use? I'm sure some others will agree with me on this, we don't want ones that are armed, as that would be over-powered for strikes and patrol. But if you took off the weapons and made them Captured Vehicles, with different paint schemes for the individual House or Cabal group they come from. It would add some amazing variety to the game, and i understand that it would take some work to do, What with needing to make Animations for it Materializing and Dematerializing, changing the Boost triggers and adding Braking animations. But i will be honest these would bring some new life into Patrols. If these werent already rideable ingame i wouldnt ask as that would take a lot of animating, but with them there it would honestly be great fun to be able to drive one a round whenever i want. The Pike is honestly one of the best looking vehicles in the game.! Thank You Il Shadow

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