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Изменено (FoxIntox): 7/28/2015 11:30:51 PM

How to Fix Factions

Ok , so here's the problem . Currently , factions do not serve any purpose . It is very easy to switch factions and you do not really do anything related to those factions so there is NO feeling of attachment to those factions currently . But the thing that bothers me the most is SHADERS . Let's face it , everyone who's leveling up a faction is only doing it for the shader/ship because they're rare and they look cool . The only problem is that those rewards are awarded RANDOMLY whenever you open a package , so they basically mean nothing . You could be level 8 with a faction and have all the shaders or be lvl 100 and have none . Those shaders which are suppsed to prove your dedication to your faction could lead to a Dead orbit lvl 8 guardian saying he has more experience than you with the DO while you are lvl 76 , just because you don't have the shader he's rocking . So let's break down the problem . Why do people actually care about their aesthetics (ship , emblem , shader...) ? Answer is : it's because they prove something , or at least they're supposed to . See , back in the first weeks of the game , having the chatterwhite shader was a proof of an accomplishment , kinda like a medal saying "pro raider" . Those immaculate guardians were seen as superior for having overcome the hardest challenge the game had to offer back then . But Now ? Hell everyone has chatterwhite , it doesn't mean anything anymore . Shaders are meant to show something , but right now all the available shaders are either 1) awarded randomly or 2)extremely easy to get . So why would Bungie rely on RNG for awarding shaders ? ACtually why do they use RNG for everything in this game ? Well , it's to make you play more . Because when people know that they have a possiblity to wn , no matter how small it is , they'll keep trying until they get what they want . SO in the end it's all about keeping you addicted . So here's my idea on how to proof faction shaders and factions as a whole . Shaders would be available to BUY at your faction Vendor . Yeah , I know what you're thinking : "bro , everyone will be able to buy them , they won't mean anything either ." Well here's the point . -1 shader would be available at Faction level 15 -1 shader would be available at Faction level 30 -1 shader would be available at Faction level 45 -1 shader would be available at Faction level 60 -1 ship would be available at Faction level 75 -and finally , the RAREST shader , a monochrome one (superblack for dead orbit , god of war (if only it wasn't already available) for the new monarchy and walkabout for the Future War Cult) and the exotic class item available at level 100 Now you may be thinking "Are you mad ? There's no WAY I'm getting to level 100" AND THAT'S THE POINT !!! Only a few guardians who are TRULY dedicated to the dead orbit will ever walk around in their jet black armor . This would set goals to most guardians out there . Right now , it's like "No I don't want to start leveling up a faction , with my luck I'm never getting anything ." , but then , with this system , people would have something that this game really lacks : GOALS ! it's be like "Hey , I just started leveling up my faction . I swear one day I'll be rocking the lvl 100 shader !" What would this system bring ? It would bring guaranteed rewards upon reaching a certain faction level . These rewards will also PROVE something . For example , let's say The Nowhere is the lvl 15 shader . When you see someone with this shader , you'd know that this guy just joined the dead orbit . THen say he has the lvl 30 shader . You'd know he's taking it seriously . But then you see someone with the LVL 100 shader ?! Man , this guy is a legend . You know he's been doing every activity with his dead orbit cloak , you know he's got A LOT of experience with this game , he's gotta be REALLY good . And that's what shaders should be , a proof of someone's achievements , something that would allow you to recognize a real pro at first sight . For those of you who were worrying about the shaders not being rare anymore , believe me , not many guardians actually reached rank 100 of their faction , so some shaders would be pretty common while some would be a once-in-a-lifetime sight . About the exotic cass items , I believe those were datamined a while ago . They look pretty sick and are ready to be worn so I see no reason not to add them to the vendors' inventory so anyone can enjoy them . However , reaching level 100 isn't a small thing (at all) , so they should have some sort of use , not this XP redirection , since once you reach lvl 100 there's no point in lvling your faction further . It could be something like "+25% damage against non-guardian enemies" or "disables level-based damage scaling when enemies are stronger than you" or something like that . Also , another concept would be the Faction Champion . Upon reaching rank 100 with a faction , you'd receive the title of "Dead Orbit Champion" or "New Monarchy Champion" or "Future War Cult Champion" or whatever . This would add a black/red/blue lining around your emblem , that way people would immediately see if there's a Champion in the tower or in their team etc. Now , all of the ideas above would take little to no effort to be implemented into the game , but my following ideas are some bigger ideas on how to make Factions a big part of the game . There could be a social space only available to Champions . Afterall , the lighthouse is only available to those who go flawless and not many guardians actually pulled that off when you think of how many people own the game . This would be an ACTUAL scial space where you can meet people who aren't in your fireteam . It would be divided in 3 parts for obvious reasons and you could just go and challenge different factions or just find guardians to play with with the guaantee that they have a minimum of skill . Another addition would be faction wars . It would be an occasional event like the Laggy banana . Champions would fight each other in 2v2v2 elimination matches (kinda like trials), each team being a faction . It would leave place to some alliances and different strategies which would make the game interesting . Those matches would be streamed by Bungie so everyone can support their teams . Everytime a team wins a match , they give one point to their faction . At the end of the week , the Faction with the most points wins and would be in the place of honour in the tower and across all the solar system . Its flags would be all over the tower , the member of the winning faction would boast about their superiority and some special gear or items would be sold by this faction to its members only . There'd also be some things to do for the non-champions guardians . Every rep that is won for a faction is accounted and the faction with the most rep would earn like 100 points or something (have to be approximately the equivalent of the average of points a faction wins after all the 2v2v2) . .. . Sorry for the long post , here's a potato . ... I actually don't have a potato . Tell me what you think about my ideas and maybe Bungie will consider implementing this system if it gets popular :D

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