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Изменено (PurpleEndymion): 7/17/2015 3:25:56 PM

If You Dislike Any Of The Recent Changes And Want To Make A Statement To Bungie That Will Be Heard..

[b][u]DO NOT PREORDER THE TAKEN KINGS DLC.[/u][/b] The only way Bungie and Activision will listen is if you hit them where it will truly hurt. [b][u]Their wallets[/u][/b]. They will entice you, they will try to convince you to preorder their defective product with cheap, gimmicky tactics. [b][u]DO NOT COMPLY.[/u][/b] If you are sick and tired of being mistreated, ignored, or down right RIPPED OFF. Bump this thread and DO NOT SUPPORT THESE COMPANIES ANY FURTHER UNTIL THEY HAVE STOPPED VIEWING US AS PIGGYBANKS WAITING TO BE SMASHED OPEN. They want you to play the game [b]THEY[/b] want you to, not how everyone wants to play it. They will alter weapons that [b]THEY[/b] feel have the need to, regardless if you have grown to like them or not. Depending on what region you live in, [b]they are potentially making you pay more for the next DLC than the game itself.[/b] It is time to put a stop to this nonsense and finally get some proper answers as to why the servers are still disfunctional, why certain bounties and drop rates for certain items are broken, why we have pathetic burns on DLC weapons and so much more. They will not listen until you take a stand and demand that you've had enough of being treated like dirt.

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