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Изменено (Quanijuana): 8/5/2015 10:45:33 PM

Collector's Content not transferring from Ps3 to PS4

So ever since I've got the game for both platforms, this has been an issue (11 months?). I've been searching here and there since, and still there has been no solution on how to transfer my collector's edition emblem, ship and ghost shell that I have on PS3 onto my PS4. When I have them equipped on PS3 then log onto PS4, the items are simply grayed and with a "requires collector's edition" warning, and don't actually show up in-game (ghost is still white when pulled out, ship is invisible in orbit). They also don't show up at the special orders when it does on PS3. The Vanguard Armory pre-order bonus is also limited to my PS3. This is rather perplexing considering the season pass content (TDB and HoW) were accessible on both. So here's my final question: When can I expect a solution for this year-long issue, and if there isn't/won't be one, why was this intentional?

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