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Изменено (DC_BarTroN): 8/23/2015 2:56:16 AM

Recruiting For [ RIPG ] - "RIP | Gjallarhorn 8|14|15"

Hey everyone my name on Destiny is DC_BarTroN i am a dedicated player on destiny, and have been playing since about a month after it came out and have really enjoyed the game play even though most say it is too repetitive. I started this post to Recruit players into [ RIPG ] a clan striving for excellence at every mission and goal in Destiny. We have just begun a recruitment for this new clan to gather more dedicated players on destiny to accomplish many goals. First is to help one another with what ever on may be lacking in either it being they need a Fatebringer then we run more Vault of Glass. Or quite possibly for those members that still need 9-0 in Trials of Osiris to get their first visit to the Light House. We are a friendly clan dedicated to our clan members and strive for the best scores and record times in destiny either it being raids or strikes. We like to set up clan events and matches designated to the clan. Enjoy playing all game types. Also, strive for our 9-0 completions in the Trials Of Osiris. All in all we hope to see you either on our side or the maybe the receiving end of our Trials of Osiris Winning Streak. Please check us out on twitch My gamer tag is DC_BarTroN which is also my Twitch Username. I will be running "Templar Tuesdays" -Templay Check Points - every Tuesday for whomever may want to join no matter if they are in the clan or not. Join the group to join CLAN. Click Link to join group >>>> From there you 1st. Need to Join Group [RIPG] Forum page Request to Join group page. 2nd. Give us / myself 36 hours to approve you Request to Join. 3rd. Come to one of my Templar Tuesdays or Message PSN Account DC_BarTroN to join and run a few games. - I will play any game type - Or something you may need help accomplishing - Or just to hang out for a bit to give us a little time to get to know you. [b]- In the meant time of all of this if you decide after joining group you want to join the clan and your in a clan momentarily. You will have to leave the clan and await acceptance to the clan. [/b] 4th. On the spot approval to the clan. By myself / any of the clan mates suggestions or from getting to know us. Thanks for reading this thread and Join the group if you would like hope to see you in upcoming Group Forum post's for Exclusive Clan events as well as Public Destiny Community Events posted within the Group Forums and among Public Destiny forums as well.

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