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Изменено (Uh_Oh_Here_We_Go): 12/1/2015 7:25:42 AM

Enhanced - PS4 - RECRUITING - PVP/PVE! Flawless Trials, Crota, VOG, POE, Oryx, NF's, Etc. (770+ Members)

[b]Clan Name:[/b] Enhanced [b]Console:[/b] PS4 [b]Established:[/b] June 2015 [b]Member Count:[/b] 773 We are currently looking for new members who have both PVP/PVE experience. If you're looking for a clan that does PVE (Vault of Glass, Crota's End, Nightfall, Weekly Heroic, Bounties, Strikes, Prison of Elders) and PVP (Trials of Osiris, Iron Banner) then this is the right place for you. We have members who have been around since launch (myself included, along with our 4 other "Admins"), to guys who have just recently purchased the game and are looking to enjoy everything Destiny has to offer. We're always online, willing to give each and every member of our clan help, no matter what the situation be from beginning content to end game content, we are an active group here for each other day in, and day out. [b][u]Our PVE Accomplishments[/u][/b] Over 150+ Vault of Glass Completions Over 200+ Crota End Completions Over 100+ PoE 32 & 34 Completions Over 50+ Oryx Completions [b][u]Our PVP Accomplishments[/u][/b] Flawless Trials Each Week, 3x Currently Ranked #10 on for Iron Banner (9 Million Points) Members with K/D's ranging from 1.0 all the way up to 2.0 [b][u]How to Join[/u][/b] [b]Enhanced:[/b] [b]Enhanced II:[/b] [b]Enhanced III:[/b] Please join "Enhanced" as that is our main clan page, so that you can communicate with all of our members. It's open for anyone to join, and if you're interested in having the "Enhanced" name under your PSN ID on Destiny, once you've joined you can click "Set as Playstation Clan" (only available to do on from a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Google Chrome) for it to show up under your gamertag/emblem. Feel free to add me on PSN if you want to get to know some of us better, as most of us are usually online on a pretty consistent basis. PSN: uh_oh_here_we_go

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